Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm Back; Great Depression

I've been gone for a while as school came to an end, but it ended last week (I got two A's for sure, including one in Macro Economics) so I'm back. I've encountered a crap load of idiocy lately so hopefully will have a lot of things to write about, and my only problem will be to figure out how to separate the subjects into manageable and readable articles.

Until then here is the research paper I wrote for my English class this semester.

For a little back ground, the paper is on the Great Depression, a topic I choose because of its relevance today with the current depression, blah blah blah. The length assigned was six pages, I wrote 8. I separated it into four sections: Causes of the Great Depression, Hoover, FDR and WWII.

We went over Keynes a lot in my Macro class so I couldn't stop from writing about four pages on Keynes and the the causes, I also wrote about 3/4th of a page on the Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle, which I talk about a lot on this site but don't explain very often. Because, of the long first part I skimped on Hoover, FDR and WWII giving each of them only about a page. I believe this is alright because as the paper evolved it turned into two parts: how the government caused it through the bank credit expansion and then how the government prolonged it, where I used opportunity cost
(which was borrowed from about 7 different books I read. In the class we had to give presentations on the sources we would use in the paper, my presentation was basically explaining five books no one had ever heard of and then saying I know about 40 others no one has ever heard of [other than economists, hard-core Austrians, etc.] and I don't know how to narrow it down. I then preceded to handle 15 minutes of non-stop questions which somehow morphed from gov. intervention in the Great Depression to the plausibility of anarchy, suffice it to say I doubt anyone who was truly paying attention will look at things in the same light again)
to show how markets weren't allowed to correct themselves. (How'd you like that blockquote idea with the huge parenthesis thing there, genius idea, huh.)

The paper is in PDF form, you can download a reader here and read it here
