Sunday, February 1, 2009

Don't Get Excited Over House Republicans Unity

By TJ Madison

All I've been hearing on talk radio the last few days is how great the House Republicans are, because none of them voted for the so-called "stimulus package" proposed by Barack Obama.

I can guarantee it that if John McCain had won the presidency and proposed a very similar bill in Congress, most of the House Republicans would have voted for it.

And how do I know that? Because approximately 99% of those Republicans were in the House of Representatives at the same time George W. Bush was signing bills that called for extravagant levels of spending the past eight years.

What!? Do You actually think that all Republicans in the House had a sudden attack of 'common sense' and 'frugality' at the same time? Don't get me wrong, I want this 'stimulus bill' to fail, but if you can't see this as mostly political posturing, you're just a shill for the Republican Party.

There is only a handful of 'Ron Paul Republicans' in the House that are still purveyors of constitutional-limited government. Most of the Republicans consider themselves conservative when they want to get re-elected; other's are just RINO's (Republican in name only) mainly from the northeastern part of the country.

Even as I consider myself Republican, I would probably give more credit to the eleven Democrat members of the House who voted against the bloated stimulus package. It took a lot more 'marbles' for a Democrat to vote against Barack Obama than any Republican.

I hope I'm not the only person on the Right to be cynical about the House Republicans. I'm going to need more than just one vote opposing the "worst piece of legislation in the history of the universe".

As for the Senate, they have yet to pass their version of the bill, but you can bet that the the Republicans in that body of government will vote about the same as the House Republicans. They won't get 100% of Republican Senators to vote against Obama and the stimulus package, but most Republicans will vote against it, and we on the Right will praise them, too. Conveniently forgetting they're the same Republicans that voted in favor of socialism over capitalism the last eight years.

Is this news? Maybe not, but it's very disturbing to me that capitalism has taken such a big blow under a Republican administration. I realize that no Republican administration in the last century has been ideologically 'pure' when it comes to free markets, but I never thought that it would be a Republican president who thought it be best to "abandon capitalism in order to save capitalism".

Honestly ask yourself this: why now do the House and Senate Republicans think this stimulus bill (and government in general) are too big? Is it because it's a Democrat proposal? Or is it because they've 'magically' remembered that they're supposed to be the defenders of capitalism, and not the enemy?

TJ Madison is a pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. He works in the health-care industry and fights 'creeping socialism' on a daily basis. He hopes this criticism of Republicans will score some points with his blogging partner, Thomas Aquinas.


Unknown said...

All that spending bill was was a chance for all the SOCIAL programs to get what they wanted!How do you stimulate the economy by giving funds to homeless bums who dont want to work in the first place.

Agent Madison said...

Jonathan- Here's possibly an answer to your question: The gov't sends a check to the BUM, the BUM spends in on a corregated box to sleep in. That gives the schmo at the box factory a job. Now, the schmo has a job and he can buy a bottle of jonnie walker black. Now the people at jonnie walker have work, and so on...