Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain's Last Stand

BY, TJ Madison October 8, 2008

As I write this, the second debate between McCain and Obama is taking place. Poll numbers say that Obama has a four point lead and more importantly he's leading in states that Bush won in 2000 and 2004. In football terms, when McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his VP, he converted a '3rd down and 18 yards'. That may be wearing thin now, and he needs to throw a 'Hail-Mary' pass during this debate.

He desperately needs a 'game changer'.

Let's face it, for those of us that love liberty, the choices of John McCain and Barack Barry Hussein Obama are really not choices at all. In all the elections I've ever followed, I've never wanted one to be over this much. Now I'm not saying that any prior candidates in the last few elections have been anything to brag about, but I've never seen two candidates who deserve to be president less then these two.

However, for totally different reasons.

Barack Obama

Barry Hussein would be the most inexperienced Commander in Chief in the history of this country. Remember, he is only a few years removed from deciding the dog and cat licence fee's in Cook County, Illinois. In fact, look at what other Democratic leaders really think about his ability to lead.

Should we entrust our country to someone who is ready on day one... or to put America in the hands of someone (Obama) with little national or international experience, who started running for president the day he arrived in the U.S. Senate?

Those were Democrat Senator Hillary Clinton's words, not mine.

How about this quote: I mean when was the last time we elected a president based on one year of service in the Senate before he started running? In theory, we could find someone who is a gifted television commentator and let them run. They'd have only one year less experience in national politics then Obama!

That was a quote by the former Democrat President, and estranged husband of Hillary, Bill Clinton.

And how about Democrat Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland: It's fine to tell people about hope and change, but you have to have plenty of concrete, pragmatic ideas...

Another Democrat Governor, Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania says about Obama, We're not electing a cheerleader... It's serious business, we're not electing a rock star.

That sure doesn't sound like a person convinced of Obama's qualifications to be President.

And of course the best one: I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.

At least that's one truth spoken by Democrat Senator and Obama's VP pick, Joe Biden. Now, don't you think it was odd for Barack to pick Biden as VP, even though Biden confirmed that quote while standing right next to him at the Democrat primary debate?

Then again, Obama is odd for a host of other reasons; like why did he change his first name, and not his middle name. I'm only asking because he's 'running away' from his middle name. You can't even mention his middle name, Hussein, without get labeled as racist. Why then didn't he change his middle name instead of his first name? From Hussein to something 'American' like... Chuck.

Barry Chuck Obama. Now there's a name Barack Hussein wouldn't have to run away from. He could win Texas with that name!

Another oddity is his associations with oddball characters, like William Ayers and Reverend Wright. Ayers, A 60's radical domestic terrorist, who helped launch Barry Hussein's political career. And Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who served as Obama's Pastor for 20 years. Do you think 95% of Americans can relate to these two anti-American sleaze balls?

Even Democrats should be outraged that, a man who planned to blow up the Capital Building, could end up sleeping in the Lincoln Bedroom. What kind of twisted irony is that?

Seriously though, with what were facing, whether it's the Stock Market, Foreign Affairs or other important issue's, is this really the election to trust a "on-the-job training" candidate? He has never run a state, he has never run a city, he has never run a business, and judging from the looks of his wife, Michelle, he doesn't wear the pants in the family either. He and Biden are both lawyers and Senators, two of the most hated professions in the history of mankind.

Americans would have to be pretty unsatisfied with Republicans to take a chance on 'Obama bin Biden'.


The reasons for John McCain not deserving to be president are a little different. His time was eight years ago, when he fought and lost, to George W. Bush for the nomination of the Republican party.

As much as I dislike McCain's policies, looking back, he may have been a better person to be the Republican nominee then Bush, considering what happen to the United States on September 11, 2001. Not to mention, Bush's spending problems and lack of a single veto in his first term.

Let's face it, McCain is a Conservative Democrat. He's Joe Lieberman without the annoying cartoon voice. The 'Right' in this country deserves a Republican candidate who will actually shrink the Federal government. A government that thinks about an 'America First' foreign policy and dramatic cuts in taxes and spending. Alas, we already know he will not provide these simple requests, because he's not even promising them, unlike GW Bush.

McCain, like Biden, is a long term Senator. It's hard to believe that someone can be in Washington almost thirty years and expect the public to believe that he's an actual reformer or maverick. However, he insists on telling us he is, so I guess we shouldn't doubt him, he is of course, a politician.

He had his chance to show the American voters he wasn't your average Senator, by opposing the $700 billion bail out. However, he stuck with the Washington insiders when he could have been a 'real' maverick.

TJ Madison is a Black Sheep Republican, living in Fond du Lac Wisconsin.


julie wisner said...

The market went down 700 more points. This stamps Obama's win, unfortunately. What's the deal with your Roark changing his name, is he having an identity crisis? What's next, P.Ditty?

Agent Madison said...

As long as the sheeple think the fall of the market is the Republicans fault, Obama will have an Electoral landslide. As for Roark,he needed a name more suited to his beliefs. I think he should take the name of religious leader coupled with a great economic mind. Jesus Adam Smith!