Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Name Change; Chuck Baldwin;

As many have probably noticed I’m having trouble writing longer articles up to par with those I wrote before school started.

In an attempt to improve my columns I’m going to experiment with a ‘rambling,’ column over the next few weeks, these will be just like the ‘Things that should be Obvious,’ articles I wrote.
I will still write some longer specials maybe once a month or so.

Quote of the Week
“I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Book Update

A positive consequence of school is that is has given me the ability to read more, especially during breaks in my classes. Right now I’m reading The Church and the Market: A Catholic Defense of the Free Economy (Studies in Ethics and Economics)
by Tom Woods.

After reading The Church and The Market (which is defense of the Free-Market from a Catholic point of view) I will read How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,
also by Tom Woods, and write an article on those two books and What's So Great About Christianity,by Dinesh D'Souza which will include defenses of Christianity, how to reconcile it with the Free Market, History of Christianity (mostly about Catholicism) and my views.

Name Change

I’ve decided to change my pseudonym to Thomas Aquinas. The real Thomas Aquinas was a Catholic Saint, who emphasized reason and was a precursor to Austro-Libertarians.
I must confess I do not know a lot about him other than this, but will read up as much as I can.
My old posts will stay under the pseudonym ‘Roark.’

Chuck Baldwin

Ron Paul endorsed him and so far our Agents of Liberty poll (which you can find on the home page) has him winning with 15 votes over Bob Barr’s 10*.

Who is he?

Baldwin is the Constitution Party candidate; he was their VP candidate in 2004 and is a Baptist Pastor in Pensacola, Florida. He also worked in Ron Paul’s campaign earlier this year.

Most of his views look good, but I do not like his Tariff policy (he says use a rate that is the difference between foreign companies cost of production and domestic companies. This would be impossible; one cannot define the cost of production, as it changes almost by the second. This would also hurt America; people in other countries specialize in certain things, this allows Americans to pay a lot less for them, and allows Americans to get better jobs) and many of the party’s views conflict with liberty.

The ‘Representatives’ should change their name…

…because they sure as hell are not representing America.

Despite the fact that numerous politicians said 95% of incoming e-mails they received were against the bailout (the House even had to shut down their server to stop it from crashing because of the immense incoming e-mails) the House followed the Senate to vote for the bailout, which was now filled with pork.

So not only do they not represent Americans, they also believe that it’s OK to steal at least $700 billion from the people to support a stupid few, and add pork projects that help a few more at the cost of the rest.

* This was at the time this article was written, since then Baldwin has gotten three more votes, but Bob Barr has received 11 more and the Site's most polled poll ever (40 total votes) show that our readers prefer Bob Barr.

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