Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fascism and the American Left

TJ Madison

It has always been known, people throughout the twentieth century and beyond, that we’ve always considered Socialists and Communist as ideologies at the far left of the political spectrum. They would be correct. Most would also consider Fascist tendencies to be that of the extreme right. They would be wrong!

I will prove it to you today.

One of the biggest political fallacies of the last century is that a lot of historians believed Fascism rose up as Capitalism’s answer to Socialism. The theory is totally wrong and was probably started by some Anti-Capitalists at the beginning of the New Deal era.

The truth is, and famed Austrian Economist F. A. Hayek agrees, Fascism is a tentacle that came out of the Socialist movement. Both are identical in almost every way. Only the ‘Nationalistic’ flavor makes Fascism a little different then Communism.

So with only one major difference, how can you put two totalitarian, tyrannical governments at opposite ends of the spectrum? You can’t, both are the extreme left. They are both almost a mirror image of each other. Collectivism taking over a State and is left unchecked.

Yes, Stalin and Hitler were enemies, however, not ideological enemies. They both strived for their own Socialist utopia in different ways. Yet, both arrived at the same Authoritarian society.

Which brings me to my point about the leftist in America and Europe now.

The Left often brands anybody who is associated with the ‘Right’ of politics a Fascist or a Nazi. Even if the ‘right-winger’ is Jewish. A Jewish Nazi? That makes a lot of sense! Then again, I’ve never thought of the Left making any sense.

Why would they make this false character assassination then? Well, for one it’s a scare tactic of the left to undermine Capitalism. Secondly, it’s because they don’t have an accurate view of history.

Once again, the left historically has ties to Fascism and ‘conveniently’ forgets them. Let’s go over them together:

  • Starting with my favorite, gun control. Disarming the citizenry is usually the first action of Dictators, Commies, Fascists, etc… Now which side of the current political spectrum is for gun banning? The Left.

  • Next, despise the wealthy. This is an easy one. Did Hitler not blame the Jews because ‘they’ owned most the wealth? And which side in America beats the drum about the rich paying their ‘fair share’? The Left. Class envy worked for Hitler, and to some extent, works for Democrats.

  • Third, the Fascist and Socialist Governments of the twentieth century were hostile toward Religion, and ran a Godless state. That doesn’t sound like the Right wing in this country. Come on; spell it with me, A-C-L-U! Started by Communists in the early 1900’s.

  • Another similarity is unions. Nazi was a short way of saying: The National Socialists Workers party.

  • How about Abortion. I’m sure Hitler would have loved Roe v Wade, had he still been alive.

I could go on. However, I think you have enough ammunition; next time some unwashed hippie calls you a Right-wing Fascist. Just remind him: Fascism is a left-wing ideology, just like Socialism and Communism, while I espouse the beliefs of our Founding Fathers.

TJ Madison is a self-described Jeffersonian Republican living in the People's Republic of Wisconsin.

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