Friday, July 4, 2008

Some Links

I'm almost finishing my editing of the first post here, which is our book reviews, I thought before I posted that I could post some links, these aren't articles, mostly just sites and some other good stuff, that I want to use as kind of an archive of sites on the blog, I'll post more form time to time, to get them off my bookmarks.

Gold Peace Ron Paul's Pamphlet on the Gold Standard and how it relates to inflation.

The Ludwig von Mises Institute The Institute dedicated to von Mises, the Literature section is escpecially good, as it contains the full text of tons of books, including all of Hazlitt's, von Mises' and Rothbard's, among others.

Explains Capitalism, the tour is pretty good

Article on CATO

That's all for now, as I explore more sites and use Sumble Upon I should be able to put a lot more on here in the future.


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