Sunday, November 23, 2008

Appointing Clinton 'LEFT'overs

TJ Madison

During the primaries, a hippie Democrat co-worker told me that , "I'm voting for Obama, because I don't want anyone named Clinton or Bush in the White House." I did agree with him about not wanting anybody named Clinton or Bush, but I couldn't agree to vote for an even bigger socialist than either of those two.

With that being his top reason to vote for Barack Hussein, I wonder what he thinks about the appointments that have been made already for an Obama administration? Sure, the name Clinton is not the President, however, she (Hillary Clinton) has been chosen by Hussein to be his Secretary of State; the biggest appointment after VP. I'm only bringing this up because Hussein was supposed to be a new, fresh and different politician on the block. It wasn't going to be politics as usual.

Now, those of us who don't drink the Democrat Kool-Aid, already knew Hussein wasn't going to be any different then any other past politicians in recent memory. It didn't take a genius to see how he got to the top of the Democratic Party.

As much as people would like to think Hussein is the 'Second Coming', I have news for you: he's just another bull sh*t artist. This 'nice guy' started his political career by getting his opponents kicked off the ballot in Illinois. As a lawyer, he sued Citibank to get them to lower standards for handing out mortgages to blacks.

And what was one of the major reasons for the recent American Banking crisis? Banks making it 'easier' for lower income people to attain home-owner status. Thank you very much, Presidents Bush and Clinton.

Now we've elected another tool who thinks just the same.

Hussein is not taking America forward if he's hiring people from the Clinton Administration. In addition to Hillary, he's hired former Clinton Cabinet member, Bill Richardson, while his new Chief of Staff was Clinton's Chief of Staff, Rahm "F--- the Republicans" Emmanuel. Does that sound like a guy who wants to be nonpartisan? The latest hire, Tim Geither, also in the Clinton Treasury Department.

I'd like to ask my co-worker now, "As a Democrat, you wanted to get away from the Clinton machine, so you voted Obama, what do you think so far?" It sure doesn't look like 'change' and 'hope' to me, It looks like the same phony socialist propaganda. Yet, another retarded person fell for the smooth talking charismatic empty suit.

Look, as long as more and more American voters get the majority of their news and information from late night talk shows, like Letterman and Leno, Comedy Central and PMSNBC, the odds of having a candidate who will speak for individual liberty, free markets and self-government in either party, will keep shrinking. It's become a popularity contest, who can make the most promises. In the three televised presidential debates, I challenge you to find the words, 'constitutional authority', spoken by either candidate.

You Republicans out there, our party has already started pandering to the celebrity culture, with the Sarah Palin appearance on Saturday Night Live. Could you imagine Reagan, JFK or IKE appearing on SNL or MTV?

It's insane that we've sunk to this level. Don't get me wrong, there's always been pandering, but now we have to 'get' the votes of the low-lives watching South Park.

H.L. Mencken once described Democracy as, " a worshipping of jackals by jackasses." That couldn't be more prevalent than in 2008.

Let's get back to a 'Republic' that the Founding Fathers wanted.

TJ Madison is a libertarian-Republican pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. He is employed in the health-care industry.

*Thanks to Julie Wisner for coming up with title.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lincoln; Stages; Work; Warren Buffett

I’ve finally secured a job this week, thankfully, and will now, once again, be paying taxes to the government against my will.
On to the ramblings.

‘Free Speech’ Board

My school has a dry erase board in the cafeteria where they put political questions then have a bunch of socialists argue how much socialism should happen. Starting this week I will put the weekly question here, along with my answer and the dumbest answer, or exchange that happened on the board.

This week’s question: Should there be Free Trade with all other nations.

My answer: Yes, other countries have comparative advantages over Americans when they specialize in certain areas. This allows Americans to do other jobs which promote progress.


My response: I don’t know where to start. If it’s free trade then the person working at this ‘multi-national corporation’ chose to work there and if he still works there he obviously likes it and is fine with the pay. Most corporations who expand overseas pay their workers two or three times the average pay. The cost of living is much lower in countries other than America.

Lincoln was not good!

Over and over again I read and hear the Lincoln worship alive today, yet I never hear a contrary opinion, so here is mine.

The Civil War was not started over slavery. The ending of slavery was an outcome of the war, but it was not the point.

Most southern states seceded, as was their constitutional right, because they did not like how big the federal government was becoming or how high it put tariffs on everything the south needed, which was killing the southern economy. In the Journals of most Southern soldiers you find writings about independence, not about slavery. In fact, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were both morally against slavery and wanted it to end.

After the Southern States seceded, Lincoln unconstitutionally sent the military to attack the South to bring them back to the Union. This whole time, by the way, he repeatedly said how he wished to end the war without stopping slavery, and had, in fact, called Blacks second-class citizens with less human rights than Whites in his first inaugural address.

During the war Lincoln held thousands of South supporters in jail without a trial or any sort of Habeas Corpus, just because he wanted to.

Not only did Lincoln do this, but he is probably the cause of today’s neocons, he combined imperialism with big government and set an example for the future republicans.

Quote of the Week

Creating false distinctions between human rights and property rights plays into the hands of Democrat and Republican Party socialists who seek to control our lives. If we buy into the notion that somehow property rights are less important, or in conflict with, human or civil rights, we give the socialists a freer hand to attack our property.

-Walter Williams


We have a new poll.

How will Obama Govern?

  • Well, will help civil liberties
  • Badly, will help socialism
  • Both
  • Neither, won't pass anything

Please visit the homepage to vote.


I was exploring the site the other day, and I found, perhaps, the bets libertarian site that currently exists.

In the media section they have a crapload of audio and video files available including many books and lectures for free download.

Beyond Stage One

I am currently reading Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One
by Thomas Sowell, the focus of the book is looking beyond stage one of any situation. This is also touted by Bastiat and Hazlitt (both used the Broken Window Fallacy) and I believe is the easiest way to quickly kill any crazy economic notions preached by politicians or the media. Here are a few examples:

Minimum Wage- Stage One: Wages in general are lifted for workers.

Stage Two: Employers find themselves paying more in wages than before and have to correct other expenses to make up for it.

Stage Three: Prices rise, returns diminish and employees are laid off.

Stage Four: Employers who are held down by minimum wage laws cannot hire people with minimum experience because those people’s production would not be worth minimum wage.

Stage Five: People are unable to gain valuable experience and are never able to find a job.

Unions – Stage One: A union is put in place and the wages of workers in general rise.

Stage Two: Since the employer is being forced to pay his workers more than their worth (if he was paying them less in the first place they easily could have gone somewhere else where they could make more) he raises prices and lays off workers.

Stage Three: Good employees who ordinarily would have been influenced by bonuses no longer have that incentive because in union plants each worker must be given the same raise, and their quality of work goes down.

Stage Four: The person with seniority gets a promotion first; even though it is very possible (and likely considering he would have gotten a promotion sooner if he was capable) someone a lot better for the job is available.

Pay Higher Wages Multi-National Corporation- Stage One: A US Corporation who is producing its shoes in Mexico is forced to raise its raises to US levels. Immediately after, the workers have higher wages and are temporarily more prosperous.

Stage Two: The workers are about one/fifth as productive (an actual statistic) as US workers so as the factory begins to lose money many are laid off.

Stage Three: Eventually, the company cannot afford to keep the factory in Mexico and shuts it down moving back to the US. Workers who just a few months (maybe weeks) later were making twice as much as the average wage in their area now are jobless.

Stage Four: Consumers have to pay more for their product and investors lose money as the company first loses money then needs to spend a lot of it buying a new factory and hiring and training workers, all the while losing the products they would have been able to make in the past.

Having a Job is Very Good

I was out of work for a year while finishing up high school then starting college, but I recently got a job at a KFC near the college (I had worked at one for a year-and-a-half in the past).

The feeling of production and the self-confidence one gets while working is rarely eclipsed.

Warren Buffett is not an Economist

Warren Buffett is without a doubt a genius and one of the best businessman and investors in American history.

That said he is far from an economist.

Reading Snowball (the newest biography on him) one finds that Buffett’s father was an Old-Right republican very similar to Barry Goldwater, and as close as one gets to libertarianism without being a libertarian. This is extremely surprising considering Buffett is pretty much a socialist, consider that he said budget deficits don’t matter, but trade deficits do.


A budget deficit necessarily means the government is spending more money then it steals from citizens, which means the money cannot be used in the economy, on this basis alone budget deficits are bad.

Trade deficits, on the other hand, are good. The current US trade deficit means that US workers are freed from doing things they do not want to do (if they wanted to do them they would accept the wages making it possible for them to be employed in these jobs) and doing things where they are more productive.

A Surprisingly Libertarian Movie

I watched Other People’s Money in a management class (we were talking a business’ social responsibility which I’ll get to in another post). I rolled my eyes throughout the movie as Danny DeVito’s character was made to look evil.

But, at the end of the movie when his character gives a speech trying to take over a company and get rid of a losing division, the character makes a pretty good speech knocking down protectionism, though I do not agree with all of his statements I recommend this movie.

The Government Does Not Produce

This seems to be unknown, even considering its obviousness, so I’ll say it here:

“The government produces nothing any money it has was stolen from someone.”

If you have any questions about this please comment with them.

Thomas Aquinas is an 18 year-old college student who recently started reading more than watching tv and the result has been immense knowledge, that however seems to be a negative as not very many people share this knowledge.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism, R.I.P.

TJ Madison

As the George W. Bush presidential term ends, limited-government aficionados still in the Republican Party are left to wonder: what could have been.

The Republican Party, a party who makes its living praising 'small' government and railing against 'big' government, has certainly done the opposite the last eight years. Where did it all go wrong?

It started in the presidential primary season in early 2000. Texas governor George Bush, used the term 'compassionate conservatism' when describing his political theory. Eight years later, we find out what compassionate conservatism is all about: Big government Republican or moderate Republican.

My guess, is that he saw the defeat his father took in 1992 and realized he couldn't get nominated while being a moderate. However, that's what he was- a moderate! So a scheme was hatched to start using the term compassionate conservative, to get the nomination of a 'real' conservative party. To this day, I'm not sure what the term actually means. Was he saying conservatism by itself, was not compassionate?

Don't forget, it was his father who said in 1988: "...a determination to direct the United States to a kinder and gentler nation." I took that to mean, "when I'm President, I won't run America like that mean old conservative, Ronald Reagan."

Now in 2000, Bush 43 starts using the compassionate conservative term, as if to say, "when I'm President, I won't run America like Newt Gingrich".

Meanwhile, Bush goes on to win the Primary and then the Presidency. Federal spending skyrockets in every facet, domestic programs, military, new entitlements and foreign aid. All of it not his fault alone. As President, he just went and signed every huge bill sent to him by congress - a Republican congress!

This is a long way from 1994, when Republicans won the 'House' for the first time in forty years. Some of the proudest moments of being a Republican was when congress had Clinton cornered, to where he had to pass 'welfare reform' and get 'balanced budgets'. After that, I started thinking: What if we had a Republican President to go along with this Republican congress?

I guess the old saying, 'be careful what you wish for', has never been more appropriate.

Prescription Drug Bill.

Amnesty for illegals.

Major wars in two countries.

An almost worthless American dollar.

Wall Street bailouts.

Billions to Africa for AIDS.

Major deficit problems.

Is this what compassionate conservatism is? As a Republican, is this what I voted for? It's almost like Bush and the Republicans were trying to 'out-liberal' the liberal. Now Americans think that the country is in such dire need of change, they elect a pseudo-Marxist for President.

Talk about an over-correction!

I now know the worst decision Ronald Reagan ever made: asking George H. Bush to be his VP. Had he not, America may never heard of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush.

I hope for the sake of this country, January 20, 2009 is the death of compassionate conservatism. If not, Americans will only be able to choose between Democratic Socialism and Republican Socialism.

And that is not a choice.

TJ Madison is a libertarian Republican pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. His day job is working in the health industry.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sour Grapes?

TJ Madison 7 October 2008

When I awoke on Wednesday morning following the election, the first thing I heard was, “Well, you were right, he won.” You see, I had went to bed when Barack Hussein had 210 electoral votes to McCain’s 74. It didn’t take Nostradamus to see where this was going.

Once Barack buried the Clinton Machine in the Democratic primary’s it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the masses would pick the Democrat candidate over the Republican. It came down to three issue’s: Iraq, economy, personality. Barack Hussein has a likable personality, while the economy and Iraq weren’t going to change in a couple of months, especially if the Media had anything to say about it.

The Media was clear that, it wanted you to vote for the new, fresh face with charisma; and not the creepy old guy who couldn’t use a Blackberry.

This was one prediction where I would have liked to be wrong. But, when you’re expecting a disappointing outcome that eventually happens, it’s hard to get worked up when it finally does happen.

I did however, think that McCain had a glimmer of hope in the final two weeks, when Barack and his $600 million almost ‘bought him defeat from the jaws of victory’.

I didn’t listen to Talk Radio on Wednesday, I didn’t need to hear why the election turned out the way it did. John McCain lost by six points, without Sarah Palin on the ticket, probably 10 points. McCain may have lost a few voters with the Palin pick, however, he got many more conservatives to come out and vote, that were otherwise staying home.

I get a kick out of people who literally scream about corruption and Washington career politicians. Then, when they have a chance to vote for a person who is as far away from Washington as you can possibly get, who took on corruption in her own State, they don’t vote her. Instead, they vote for two Senators, who are also blood-sucking lawyers living in Washington!

I can’t tell how many times I heard from women, “I just don’t think she’s ready to be President.”

Why? Because she doesn’t have the voice of some ball-buster like Hillary Clinton. Or maybe, because she didn’t have a hyphenated name she wasn’t a real women?

No, the reason you didn’t want her, was because she didn’t have a ‘D’ after her name, and she thought killing unborn babies was barbaric, and needed to be stopped. So you voted for the unknown, empty suit, metro-sexual from the most corrupt city in the United States, along with his 36-year Washington Senator VP pick.

You figure it out.

Alas, the election is over, and it’s time to congratulate the ‘winners’:

Hugo Chavez, President (Dictator) of Venezuela, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, leaders of the terrorist group Hamas. All of these scumbag’s constantly complain about America being the ‘Great Satan’. And they all endorsed Barack Hussein Obama.

The ACLU. You love to talk about ‘free speech’, except for speech of ‘right-wing’ American Patriots. You ‘claim’ to love the First Amendment, as for the Second, Fourth and Tenth, those amendments (along with the rest of he Constitution) is outdated and needs to be eliminated with the changing times.

Hollywood. All you cesspool of freaks got together with George Soros, and bought yourself a candidate. Good for you. Will there be room for Christian voices in America, or do you want them to leave?

Teachers Unions. Maybe you’ll get your wish, too. Because $10,000 per pupil, per school year, just isn’t enough to teach children math, reading and writing.

College Students. Yes, the idiots who believe everything their socialist professors tell them. Walking around in ‘Che Guevara’ t-shirts like morons, while a Capitalist pays for your college tuition.

Also, congratulations to the people sitting in coffee shops for hours, writing a manuscript on your Mac notebook, that will never be published. To the yuppie scum who drive Volvo’s and Saabs, with Obama bumper stickers. Hope you don’t mind paying higher auto taxes when you trade those cars in for newer versions. By the way, you wouldn’t know a decent car if it bit you in the ass! You bought the Volvo or Saab to keep up with your ‘just as stupid’ neighbors.

And to the adults that walk around with the IPODs in public- Grow up. Maybe if you talked to people, instead of living in your own world, you would wakeup out of your ‘music coma’. Oh, everybody’s voting for Obama, I will too.

You make me sick!

Look, I don’t know how Barack Hussein will Govern. It could be the radical revolutionary of the Marxist element, or he could turn out to be a Clinton type, who knew the ‘far-left’ was very dangerous to the health and prosperity of this nation.

Let’s all pray it’s the latter.

Me, I’m just going to sit back and watch it all unfold, while I “cling to my guns and religion.”

TJ Madison is a pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. His day jobs are, working in the health care industry and fighting Creeping Socialism.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What to expect with Obama

I spent six and a half hours exit polling last night, so I did not see any results until it was made official that the American people have elected the total opposite, in almost every way, candidate than that of the Founding Fathers (the good ones at least Alexander Hamilton and his followers don’t really count, they were just out for some place where they could be in control).

I don’t like being disappointed, which is why I did not lose my mind last night (I’ve been down on this election since Ron Paul was officially out), so I am taking a very pessimistic view of this presidency, hopefully Obama will do a little better than I am anticipating.

So, without further ado here are some things I think will happen under Obama:

  • The silly banking interference will continue - Obama wants to pay everyone's mortgage so those who were not smart enough to save money and pay only what they can afford will be rewarded by the stolen money from those who better planned. As a result billions of dollars will be sucked out of the economy and a lot of potential growth will be lost.
  • The troops will be moved - to Afghanistan or some other country, possibly Darfur, where they will participate in what the democrats have been criticizing for six years - intervention
  • Oil companies will have to endure a lot of interference from the government - and these companies which are searching non-stop for oil and ways to make it cheaper will be given another burden which will hurt the chances of cheaper oil.
  • The crappy union bill may be passed - and the mostly evil unions which are on the verge of falling out of all jobs not from the government may find its way back into America, where no worker will be able to keep his job and not be in a union, once union stewards find their way to a company and deceive half of the workers into signing a card. Another shot against the economy.
  • Countless unborn children will be murdered - possibly even those who have already been born.
  • The taxes on the 'rich' will be raised - and the people in America who create wealth will once again be looked down upon by the people they lift up.
  • Capital Gains Taxes will be doubled - and many people will stop investing in ventures which could greatly help Americans and instead move their money into tax-shielded trusts.
  • Will re-regulate - which I like to compare with punching a broken hand into a wall to heal it.
  • Equal pay bull-sh** - Many uneducated people are angry that the average woman's pay is less than a man's, this makes for a good talking point, but it does not stand up to actual analysis. The average woman does make less than a a man, but she also has less experience and usually works at lesser paying jobs (like teacher opposed to supervisor), this is not a stereotype, it is a fact.
  • Affirmative Action - Apparently the NAACP rated him 100% on affirmative action, ouch sounds like an insult to me. I believe the majority of my readers believe stealing is bad, so they must also disagree with this, seeing as some people are stealing from others in affirmative action.
  • Vigilant Government and high Corporate Tax rates - OK, first it is a myth that a corporation can be taxed, either the consumer is taxed with higher prices, the worker with lower wages or the investor with lower interest earned. Next, we already have many tens of thousands of freaking pages of regulation we obviously need less, this is not hard to understand.
  • Education - It's obvious that the American education system is crap, yet Barack wants to hire a million more inferior teachers and spend more on education.
  • Protectionist - I honestly don't understand how a 17 year-old (which is what I was when I first grasped this) can understand that protectionism does not work, yet so many Americans can be duped into believing it by politicians.
  • Funny Quote - According to On The Issues Barack said, "Eliminate government programs that no longer work," hopefully this means Obama will eliminate the whole of government, then allow us to start over with just property rights and a non-aggression axiom.
  • Good Bye, Second Amendment - I do not know why politicians even mention the Constitution anymore, none of them, WEoRP (with exception of Ron Paul), give a damn about it. Obama will put strong rules on guns and crime will rise as only those who care to buy a gun illegally will have them and no one will be able to protect himself.
  • Health Care is a Right - I'm not sure if this guy could be further from sanity. Personally, I would rather not go to a clinic that resembles the DMV or Post Office (Also, health care is not a right, the only right people should have is to do whatever they please without initiating force).
That's all I can stand writing for now, good luck in the next four years.

Thomas Aquinas is the pseudonym of an 18 year-old college student at an alarmingly liberal college in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing keeping him sane is the fact that he is correct.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Overdose To Backfire?

TJ Madison 31 October, 2008

Let's be perfectly clear, with less then five days to go in this election season, it would be a "Dewey defeats Truman" type of scenario, if John McCain were to win this election over Barack Hussein. If the Polls are to be believed, John McCain has not led in this election at all, except the few days after the Republican National Convention; where he led by 1 to 5 points, depending on the polling company.

If McCain does pull this 'upset', I would chalk it up to one thing: over-saturation of Obama-mania.

As long as there have been elections, there have always been people elected (and not elected) over the silliest of reasons. Over the years I've heard things like: I don't like his (or her) campaign ads, I think he's attractive, I like him because he visited our town, I don't like his name, and so on.

This could be the election where the winner is decided, simply because the losing candidate spent too much money on radio and television advertising.

His campaign has become like the television game show, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" When the show was on one night per week, viewers were enamoured with it. When the show was on several nights a week, people got tired of it and stopped watching.

Barack Hussein has become the Regis Philbin of television. At first you think, hey, this is a nice guy and I like him. Weeks later, after seeing him too much, you think, Oh, man, I'm sick of this guy.

People got sick of something they used to love. Let's hope this is what happened to Obama. This may sound too simple to believe for the seasoned politico like you and me, but remember, these are the barely informed masses that decide elections.

And the masses are asses!

Now, I have no scientific data, though personally, after the Barack Hussein half-hour propaganda infomercial, I started to hear a lot of 'buzz' about how independent voters were sick about how much inundation they see and hear for Obama. Don't get me wrong, it's normal for people to bothered by the political ads by the end of October. However, when I hear a comment like, "with all the political ads I've already seen, after ten minutes I had to turn the infomercial off!" This coming from an independent voter. The first thing that came to mind was: WOW, I think Barack may have spent himself into a loss!

So, if McCain wins, you can thank the people who didn't vote Obama, simply because he over-saturated himself. You do have to have a big ego to run for President of the United States, however, couple that with Obama's assumption that he's already won, and his giant Messiah complex, he really is coming off as pretentious to the average voter.

It's true, as I write this column, three days after the Obama infomercial, McCain has crept closer into this race. In fact, Zogby polling has McCain at a 1 point lead!

The Stock Market may also believe it; it had it's biggest weekly gain since 1974. Apparently Wall Street would still like some form of Capitalism over Obama Socialism.

Maybe $600 million can't buy you an election?

Bumbling Biden Watch

By now you've probably heard about Joe Biden's prediction that, Barack will be tested by a foreign enemy within the first six months of his presidency. Well a couple things went through my mind: I thought the entire world and it's leaders wanted Barack Hussein to be the next President. Everything would be fantastic, once the 'Son of God' was elected to the White House. The United States would not have any enemies; The Palestinians, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and all other American hating countries would have parades once Obama was elected on the 4th of November.

Remember, Barack Hussein would 'repair' our broken relationship with the rest of the world. After all, before George Bush, all countries loved the United States. The only top leader I know of, that wouldn't want a Obama Presidency is Nicolas Sarkozy of France.

So is that who Uncle Joe is talking about, when he says that, an enemy will test Barack?

All our enemies have practically endorsed Obama. Is it because they like him, or is it because they want a weaker America?

TJ Madison is a pundit, and currently employed in the health care industry in Fond du Lac, WI.
His other job is fighting Creeping Socialism.