Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sour Grapes?

TJ Madison 7 October 2008

When I awoke on Wednesday morning following the election, the first thing I heard was, “Well, you were right, he won.” You see, I had went to bed when Barack Hussein had 210 electoral votes to McCain’s 74. It didn’t take Nostradamus to see where this was going.

Once Barack buried the Clinton Machine in the Democratic primary’s it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the masses would pick the Democrat candidate over the Republican. It came down to three issue’s: Iraq, economy, personality. Barack Hussein has a likable personality, while the economy and Iraq weren’t going to change in a couple of months, especially if the Media had anything to say about it.

The Media was clear that, it wanted you to vote for the new, fresh face with charisma; and not the creepy old guy who couldn’t use a Blackberry.

This was one prediction where I would have liked to be wrong. But, when you’re expecting a disappointing outcome that eventually happens, it’s hard to get worked up when it finally does happen.

I did however, think that McCain had a glimmer of hope in the final two weeks, when Barack and his $600 million almost ‘bought him defeat from the jaws of victory’.

I didn’t listen to Talk Radio on Wednesday, I didn’t need to hear why the election turned out the way it did. John McCain lost by six points, without Sarah Palin on the ticket, probably 10 points. McCain may have lost a few voters with the Palin pick, however, he got many more conservatives to come out and vote, that were otherwise staying home.

I get a kick out of people who literally scream about corruption and Washington career politicians. Then, when they have a chance to vote for a person who is as far away from Washington as you can possibly get, who took on corruption in her own State, they don’t vote her. Instead, they vote for two Senators, who are also blood-sucking lawyers living in Washington!

I can’t tell how many times I heard from women, “I just don’t think she’s ready to be President.”

Why? Because she doesn’t have the voice of some ball-buster like Hillary Clinton. Or maybe, because she didn’t have a hyphenated name she wasn’t a real women?

No, the reason you didn’t want her, was because she didn’t have a ‘D’ after her name, and she thought killing unborn babies was barbaric, and needed to be stopped. So you voted for the unknown, empty suit, metro-sexual from the most corrupt city in the United States, along with his 36-year Washington Senator VP pick.

You figure it out.

Alas, the election is over, and it’s time to congratulate the ‘winners’:

Hugo Chavez, President (Dictator) of Venezuela, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, leaders of the terrorist group Hamas. All of these scumbag’s constantly complain about America being the ‘Great Satan’. And they all endorsed Barack Hussein Obama.

The ACLU. You love to talk about ‘free speech’, except for speech of ‘right-wing’ American Patriots. You ‘claim’ to love the First Amendment, as for the Second, Fourth and Tenth, those amendments (along with the rest of he Constitution) is outdated and needs to be eliminated with the changing times.

Hollywood. All you cesspool of freaks got together with George Soros, and bought yourself a candidate. Good for you. Will there be room for Christian voices in America, or do you want them to leave?

Teachers Unions. Maybe you’ll get your wish, too. Because $10,000 per pupil, per school year, just isn’t enough to teach children math, reading and writing.

College Students. Yes, the idiots who believe everything their socialist professors tell them. Walking around in ‘Che Guevara’ t-shirts like morons, while a Capitalist pays for your college tuition.

Also, congratulations to the people sitting in coffee shops for hours, writing a manuscript on your Mac notebook, that will never be published. To the yuppie scum who drive Volvo’s and Saabs, with Obama bumper stickers. Hope you don’t mind paying higher auto taxes when you trade those cars in for newer versions. By the way, you wouldn’t know a decent car if it bit you in the ass! You bought the Volvo or Saab to keep up with your ‘just as stupid’ neighbors.

And to the adults that walk around with the IPODs in public- Grow up. Maybe if you talked to people, instead of living in your own world, you would wakeup out of your ‘music coma’. Oh, everybody’s voting for Obama, I will too.

You make me sick!

Look, I don’t know how Barack Hussein will Govern. It could be the radical revolutionary of the Marxist element, or he could turn out to be a Clinton type, who knew the ‘far-left’ was very dangerous to the health and prosperity of this nation.

Let’s all pray it’s the latter.

Me, I’m just going to sit back and watch it all unfold, while I “cling to my guns and religion.”

TJ Madison is a pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. His day jobs are, working in the health care industry and fighting Creeping Socialism.

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