Sunday, November 16, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism, R.I.P.

TJ Madison

As the George W. Bush presidential term ends, limited-government aficionados still in the Republican Party are left to wonder: what could have been.

The Republican Party, a party who makes its living praising 'small' government and railing against 'big' government, has certainly done the opposite the last eight years. Where did it all go wrong?

It started in the presidential primary season in early 2000. Texas governor George Bush, used the term 'compassionate conservatism' when describing his political theory. Eight years later, we find out what compassionate conservatism is all about: Big government Republican or moderate Republican.

My guess, is that he saw the defeat his father took in 1992 and realized he couldn't get nominated while being a moderate. However, that's what he was- a moderate! So a scheme was hatched to start using the term compassionate conservative, to get the nomination of a 'real' conservative party. To this day, I'm not sure what the term actually means. Was he saying conservatism by itself, was not compassionate?

Don't forget, it was his father who said in 1988: "...a determination to direct the United States to a kinder and gentler nation." I took that to mean, "when I'm President, I won't run America like that mean old conservative, Ronald Reagan."

Now in 2000, Bush 43 starts using the compassionate conservative term, as if to say, "when I'm President, I won't run America like Newt Gingrich".

Meanwhile, Bush goes on to win the Primary and then the Presidency. Federal spending skyrockets in every facet, domestic programs, military, new entitlements and foreign aid. All of it not his fault alone. As President, he just went and signed every huge bill sent to him by congress - a Republican congress!

This is a long way from 1994, when Republicans won the 'House' for the first time in forty years. Some of the proudest moments of being a Republican was when congress had Clinton cornered, to where he had to pass 'welfare reform' and get 'balanced budgets'. After that, I started thinking: What if we had a Republican President to go along with this Republican congress?

I guess the old saying, 'be careful what you wish for', has never been more appropriate.

Prescription Drug Bill.

Amnesty for illegals.

Major wars in two countries.

An almost worthless American dollar.

Wall Street bailouts.

Billions to Africa for AIDS.

Major deficit problems.

Is this what compassionate conservatism is? As a Republican, is this what I voted for? It's almost like Bush and the Republicans were trying to 'out-liberal' the liberal. Now Americans think that the country is in such dire need of change, they elect a pseudo-Marxist for President.

Talk about an over-correction!

I now know the worst decision Ronald Reagan ever made: asking George H. Bush to be his VP. Had he not, America may never heard of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush.

I hope for the sake of this country, January 20, 2009 is the death of compassionate conservatism. If not, Americans will only be able to choose between Democratic Socialism and Republican Socialism.

And that is not a choice.

TJ Madison is a libertarian Republican pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. His day job is working in the health industry.

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