Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What to expect with Obama

I spent six and a half hours exit polling last night, so I did not see any results until it was made official that the American people have elected the total opposite, in almost every way, candidate than that of the Founding Fathers (the good ones at least Alexander Hamilton and his followers don’t really count, they were just out for some place where they could be in control).

I don’t like being disappointed, which is why I did not lose my mind last night (I’ve been down on this election since Ron Paul was officially out), so I am taking a very pessimistic view of this presidency, hopefully Obama will do a little better than I am anticipating.

So, without further ado here are some things I think will happen under Obama:

  • The silly banking interference will continue - Obama wants to pay everyone's mortgage so those who were not smart enough to save money and pay only what they can afford will be rewarded by the stolen money from those who better planned. As a result billions of dollars will be sucked out of the economy and a lot of potential growth will be lost.
  • The troops will be moved - to Afghanistan or some other country, possibly Darfur, where they will participate in what the democrats have been criticizing for six years - intervention
  • Oil companies will have to endure a lot of interference from the government - and these companies which are searching non-stop for oil and ways to make it cheaper will be given another burden which will hurt the chances of cheaper oil.
  • The crappy union bill may be passed - and the mostly evil unions which are on the verge of falling out of all jobs not from the government may find its way back into America, where no worker will be able to keep his job and not be in a union, once union stewards find their way to a company and deceive half of the workers into signing a card. Another shot against the economy.
  • Countless unborn children will be murdered - possibly even those who have already been born.
  • The taxes on the 'rich' will be raised - and the people in America who create wealth will once again be looked down upon by the people they lift up.
  • Capital Gains Taxes will be doubled - and many people will stop investing in ventures which could greatly help Americans and instead move their money into tax-shielded trusts.
  • Will re-regulate - which I like to compare with punching a broken hand into a wall to heal it.
  • Equal pay bull-sh** - Many uneducated people are angry that the average woman's pay is less than a man's, this makes for a good talking point, but it does not stand up to actual analysis. The average woman does make less than a a man, but she also has less experience and usually works at lesser paying jobs (like teacher opposed to supervisor), this is not a stereotype, it is a fact.
  • Affirmative Action - Apparently the NAACP rated him 100% on affirmative action, ouch sounds like an insult to me. I believe the majority of my readers believe stealing is bad, so they must also disagree with this, seeing as some people are stealing from others in affirmative action.
  • Vigilant Government and high Corporate Tax rates - OK, first it is a myth that a corporation can be taxed, either the consumer is taxed with higher prices, the worker with lower wages or the investor with lower interest earned. Next, we already have many tens of thousands of freaking pages of regulation we obviously need less, this is not hard to understand.
  • Education - It's obvious that the American education system is crap, yet Barack wants to hire a million more inferior teachers and spend more on education.
  • Protectionist - I honestly don't understand how a 17 year-old (which is what I was when I first grasped this) can understand that protectionism does not work, yet so many Americans can be duped into believing it by politicians.
  • Funny Quote - According to On The Issues Barack said, "Eliminate government programs that no longer work," hopefully this means Obama will eliminate the whole of government, then allow us to start over with just property rights and a non-aggression axiom.
  • Good Bye, Second Amendment - I do not know why politicians even mention the Constitution anymore, none of them, WEoRP (with exception of Ron Paul), give a damn about it. Obama will put strong rules on guns and crime will rise as only those who care to buy a gun illegally will have them and no one will be able to protect himself.
  • Health Care is a Right - I'm not sure if this guy could be further from sanity. Personally, I would rather not go to a clinic that resembles the DMV or Post Office (Also, health care is not a right, the only right people should have is to do whatever they please without initiating force).
That's all I can stand writing for now, good luck in the next four years.

Thomas Aquinas is the pseudonym of an 18 year-old college student at an alarmingly liberal college in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing keeping him sane is the fact that he is correct.

1 comment:

Chad said...

touche TA, great site very pleased, and i plan on reading more