Sunday, November 23, 2008

Appointing Clinton 'LEFT'overs

TJ Madison

During the primaries, a hippie Democrat co-worker told me that , "I'm voting for Obama, because I don't want anyone named Clinton or Bush in the White House." I did agree with him about not wanting anybody named Clinton or Bush, but I couldn't agree to vote for an even bigger socialist than either of those two.

With that being his top reason to vote for Barack Hussein, I wonder what he thinks about the appointments that have been made already for an Obama administration? Sure, the name Clinton is not the President, however, she (Hillary Clinton) has been chosen by Hussein to be his Secretary of State; the biggest appointment after VP. I'm only bringing this up because Hussein was supposed to be a new, fresh and different politician on the block. It wasn't going to be politics as usual.

Now, those of us who don't drink the Democrat Kool-Aid, already knew Hussein wasn't going to be any different then any other past politicians in recent memory. It didn't take a genius to see how he got to the top of the Democratic Party.

As much as people would like to think Hussein is the 'Second Coming', I have news for you: he's just another bull sh*t artist. This 'nice guy' started his political career by getting his opponents kicked off the ballot in Illinois. As a lawyer, he sued Citibank to get them to lower standards for handing out mortgages to blacks.

And what was one of the major reasons for the recent American Banking crisis? Banks making it 'easier' for lower income people to attain home-owner status. Thank you very much, Presidents Bush and Clinton.

Now we've elected another tool who thinks just the same.

Hussein is not taking America forward if he's hiring people from the Clinton Administration. In addition to Hillary, he's hired former Clinton Cabinet member, Bill Richardson, while his new Chief of Staff was Clinton's Chief of Staff, Rahm "F--- the Republicans" Emmanuel. Does that sound like a guy who wants to be nonpartisan? The latest hire, Tim Geither, also in the Clinton Treasury Department.

I'd like to ask my co-worker now, "As a Democrat, you wanted to get away from the Clinton machine, so you voted Obama, what do you think so far?" It sure doesn't look like 'change' and 'hope' to me, It looks like the same phony socialist propaganda. Yet, another retarded person fell for the smooth talking charismatic empty suit.

Look, as long as more and more American voters get the majority of their news and information from late night talk shows, like Letterman and Leno, Comedy Central and PMSNBC, the odds of having a candidate who will speak for individual liberty, free markets and self-government in either party, will keep shrinking. It's become a popularity contest, who can make the most promises. In the three televised presidential debates, I challenge you to find the words, 'constitutional authority', spoken by either candidate.

You Republicans out there, our party has already started pandering to the celebrity culture, with the Sarah Palin appearance on Saturday Night Live. Could you imagine Reagan, JFK or IKE appearing on SNL or MTV?

It's insane that we've sunk to this level. Don't get me wrong, there's always been pandering, but now we have to 'get' the votes of the low-lives watching South Park.

H.L. Mencken once described Democracy as, " a worshipping of jackals by jackasses." That couldn't be more prevalent than in 2008.

Let's get back to a 'Republic' that the Founding Fathers wanted.

TJ Madison is a libertarian-Republican pundit living in Fond du Lac, WI. He is employed in the health-care industry.

*Thanks to Julie Wisner for coming up with title.

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