Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Overdose To Backfire?

TJ Madison 31 October, 2008

Let's be perfectly clear, with less then five days to go in this election season, it would be a "Dewey defeats Truman" type of scenario, if John McCain were to win this election over Barack Hussein. If the Polls are to be believed, John McCain has not led in this election at all, except the few days after the Republican National Convention; where he led by 1 to 5 points, depending on the polling company.

If McCain does pull this 'upset', I would chalk it up to one thing: over-saturation of Obama-mania.

As long as there have been elections, there have always been people elected (and not elected) over the silliest of reasons. Over the years I've heard things like: I don't like his (or her) campaign ads, I think he's attractive, I like him because he visited our town, I don't like his name, and so on.

This could be the election where the winner is decided, simply because the losing candidate spent too much money on radio and television advertising.

His campaign has become like the television game show, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" When the show was on one night per week, viewers were enamoured with it. When the show was on several nights a week, people got tired of it and stopped watching.

Barack Hussein has become the Regis Philbin of television. At first you think, hey, this is a nice guy and I like him. Weeks later, after seeing him too much, you think, Oh, man, I'm sick of this guy.

People got sick of something they used to love. Let's hope this is what happened to Obama. This may sound too simple to believe for the seasoned politico like you and me, but remember, these are the barely informed masses that decide elections.

And the masses are asses!

Now, I have no scientific data, though personally, after the Barack Hussein half-hour propaganda infomercial, I started to hear a lot of 'buzz' about how independent voters were sick about how much inundation they see and hear for Obama. Don't get me wrong, it's normal for people to bothered by the political ads by the end of October. However, when I hear a comment like, "with all the political ads I've already seen, after ten minutes I had to turn the infomercial off!" This coming from an independent voter. The first thing that came to mind was: WOW, I think Barack may have spent himself into a loss!

So, if McCain wins, you can thank the people who didn't vote Obama, simply because he over-saturated himself. You do have to have a big ego to run for President of the United States, however, couple that with Obama's assumption that he's already won, and his giant Messiah complex, he really is coming off as pretentious to the average voter.

It's true, as I write this column, three days after the Obama infomercial, McCain has crept closer into this race. In fact, Zogby polling has McCain at a 1 point lead!

The Stock Market may also believe it; it had it's biggest weekly gain since 1974. Apparently Wall Street would still like some form of Capitalism over Obama Socialism.

Maybe $600 million can't buy you an election?

Bumbling Biden Watch

By now you've probably heard about Joe Biden's prediction that, Barack will be tested by a foreign enemy within the first six months of his presidency. Well a couple things went through my mind: I thought the entire world and it's leaders wanted Barack Hussein to be the next President. Everything would be fantastic, once the 'Son of God' was elected to the White House. The United States would not have any enemies; The Palestinians, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and all other American hating countries would have parades once Obama was elected on the 4th of November.

Remember, Barack Hussein would 'repair' our broken relationship with the rest of the world. After all, before George Bush, all countries loved the United States. The only top leader I know of, that wouldn't want a Obama Presidency is Nicolas Sarkozy of France.

So is that who Uncle Joe is talking about, when he says that, an enemy will test Barack?

All our enemies have practically endorsed Obama. Is it because they like him, or is it because they want a weaker America?

TJ Madison is a pundit, and currently employed in the health care industry in Fond du Lac, WI.
His other job is fighting Creeping Socialism.

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