Saturday, August 9, 2008

Links of the Week

I didn't write an article this week in result of having my wisdom teeth removed, but I did get a chance to get some reading done and will be posting reviews of a few books next week.

Also, for now on TJ and I will be posting reviews on each applicable book we read. These reviews could be anything from a drawn out article with character analysis to a one-paragraph note recommending or panning the book, with each week's links we'll update you on the books next in line to be reviewed and the books we are currently reading can always be checked on the right side of the homepage under 'Currently Reading.'


Our Tax System, Simplified

Two Manifestos, Two Revolutions

Washington's Intervention Addiction

How Much Money does an Economy Need?

Books Finished


The Fountainhead

How Capitalism Saved America

Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion

Quote of the Week

"The most troubling aspect of social policy toward the poor in the late twentieth century America is not how much it cost, but what it has bought."

-Charles Murray

Video of the Week

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