Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Censorship from the Left

By: TJ Madison

In the coming months you will see an onslaught of attacks against the voices of talk radio. As we get closer to the November election, Leftists are already in full force planning their next protest.

Why now? They want to make sure their candidate, Barack Obama, gets elected and that the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ becomes law.

For those not familiar, the so-called ‘Fairness Doctrine’ in short, is a bill in congress to force radio stations to air equal time to ‘left’ and ‘right’ opinionated hosts. Regardless of what the market wants.

Yes! That is here in America, not in Cuba. Essentially, it means, half the day you’d be forced to listen to NPR.

In the past few years we’ve seen the left try to take down several talk show hosts. Don Imus is the most famous case that comes to mind. Now, he’s not a ‘right-wing’ talk show host by any stretch of the imagination, but he’s not a flaming Leftist either.

The far left in this country is not only concerned with bring down the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity, they are only focused on shutting down anyone who is against their extreme agenda.

It appears to me that, if you espouse any views that are against illegal immigration, welfare, Obama-mania, gun control, Islam, affirmative-action or any other topic on the Leftist agenda, you are on the list.

Which brings me to their next conquest, Michael Savage.

If you have not heard the story, Dr. Savage said on his radio show: “Ninety-nine percent of autism cases in children is a fraud, and the child should stop acting like a putz.”

Unfortunately, this may be the only line that most Americans will ever read or hear. ‘Putz’ may sound harsh, but those who have listened to Dr. Savage, know he can get a little emotional when he talks about a subject about which he is passionate. Maybe ‘putz’ was the wrong choice of words, but it doesn’t change the underlying theme of the importance or what he was trying to say.

Now, I can go into why Savage said it, tell you how concerned he is about Pediatricians pushing drugs on children and tell you how he’s written books on healing kids ‘naturally’. However, none of that really matters.

As important as Autism is, this article is really about something a lot more important: The first Amendment to the Constitution: The right to speak freely without a ‘Stalinist’ trying to shut your mouth.

In America, 2008, do Leftist really want radio talk show hosts to be fired for simply having an opinion contrary to their own, and using the word ‘putz’? Sadly, it may be true, not because anybody is truly offended, but to silence of their political enemies.

Remember when the left only failed to recognize the Second Amendment. Well, now apparently they’ve become hostile toward the First. The sheer lunacy of protesting outside a radio station because of a few harmless words uttered by a talk show host is an obvious sign that the left is desperate to get Savage and other ‘enemies’ off the air.

For crying out loud, GET A JOB!

The more radio talkers that are silenced, coupled with the ‘Fairness Doctrine’, the less we learn about their radical candidate, Barack Hussein Obama.

TJ Madison is a self-described Jeffersonian Republican living in the People's Republic of Wisconsin.

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