Saturday, August 16, 2008

Links 8/16/08

We're adding a bi-weekly poll after the relative success of the Bob Barr poll that produced 12 votes, we will switch off deciding the poll topics, this week I chose taxes and to where they should be changed, we have five votes already.


Blowback from Bear-Biting

some Murray Rothbard stuff: Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism, and the Division of Labor and The Struggle Over Egalitarianism Continues

Wal-Mart comes to Town

Barack's Stealth Socialism

Students for an Orwellian Society

Suppressed News was at bandwidth limit when I linked may want to check in a few days

25 Reasons You May be a Racist

Bill of Rights

Gang of Sell-outs

Video of the Week

This so for all of those still ignorant to the benefits of medical marijuana and the power trip on which the DEA currently ruins people's lives for no logical reason what so ever.

Bi-Weekly Poll

Question: Which is the best tax plan?

  1. Keep it how it is
  2. The Fair Tax
  3. The Flat Tax
  4. A flat tax, then slowly work into a value-added tax
  5. No tax, taxation is theft
Quote of the Week

This week's quote comes from easily the best president of the 20th century, Ronald Reagan:
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Ronald Reagan


Anonymous said...

Income taxes are definitely theft. It's completely unAmerican. Sales taxes aren't entirely voluntary but, I wouldn't go so far as to call them theft. I know the government needs money but it can get all it needs from a national sales tax. It doesn't need to extort it from us without our permission or approval. The Fair tax is even better than a simple sales tax and I support it.

Thomas Aquinas said...

I agree, withholding a part of your income implies the government owns your life, which should be the opposite of reality. The Fair Tax is good, but I believe it should be a part-time thing if it gets voted in, and a huge decrease in the size of government is the real solution.

By the way you can vote in the poll on the bottom of this page

Anonymous said...

What do you mean a part-time thing? There's no such thing as a part-time tax.

I voted in that poll, thanks for the link. I didn't like the results though. It said that 50% think a flat tax followed by a VAT would be better than the Fair tax. That makes no sense. How could so many US citizens be so horribly misguided?

Perhaps they weren't US citizens. The poll is online so, anybody in the world with internet access can participate. Maybe some people in the EU are trying to be funny.

Thomas Aquinas said...

I meant part-time as maybe for a few years, not as in hours per day, sorry for any confusion.

The flat tax then value-added tax is actually Bob Barr's current position.
