Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama Inexperience Starting to Show

By: TJ Madison

About a month ago, I predicted Barack Obama would win the election in November. It was based on the criteria of three issues’:

1. The state of the economy.
2. The war in Iraq.
3. Barack Obama’s personality.

Now, I will still stand by my prediction, however, my confidence is not as high as it once was. The economy and Iraq are still in Barack’s corner, his ‘magic’ show, though, is losing some of its luster. As I write this piece, John McCain has gained ground to the point where he is about even with Obama when it comes to scientific tracking polls.

Why? Obama’s political amateurism is starting to show. Something this writer thought he would be able to hide through November. Nevertheless, don’t expect me to get on the McCain ‘landslide’ bandwagon just yet.

Even though Barack is a Democrat, he’s not stupid. Nobody can make the rise from Illinois State Senator to Presidential front-runner in a few short years, without being politically savvy. Remember, he knocked off the Clinton political machine, and couldn’t have done that without having some good strategists around him.

Those strategists are still with him, and the wheels are turning.

Not to mention the wheels at CNN, MSNBC, NBC and the New York Times. So don’t get too comfortable, Republicans. Even as the economy shows positive signs and the War in Iraq gets better, don’t expect that to be front-page news.

Well, unless they find a way to give Obama the credit!

It took leftists an entire term of George W. Bush to make a book on his misspoken words and butchered sentences; Obama is well on his way to filling his third volume before even being elected! The only difference: you’ll only hear about it on talk radio.

In a stump speech, when talking about health care costs, Obama referred to a nasal ‘inhaler’ as a ‘breathalyzer’. Now, if that were a Republican making that mistake, you would hear Wolf Blitzer starting off his CNN show with: “Does this Republican candidate understand our health care crisis, if he doesn’t know the difference between an inhaler and a breathalyzer?”

The worst thing the McCainiacs can do is think they’ve got it in the bag. Obama and his staff should have learned a lot in the last month about ‘gaffs’ he’s made, and get that corrected. It is possible they believe there have been no mistakes, seeing that he is the chosen one. However, you can tell Obama is a little rattled about everything that’s gone on in the last month, he seems to be a very thinned-skin person. It’s apparent by his tone, he doesn’t see the humor of others making light about proper tire inflation being the equivalent of offshore drilling of oil.

I think the pivotal point will be the last day of the Democrat National Convention, when the Democrats try to fill that outdoor football stadium in Denver. The ‘bump’ that he gets in the polls, the week following, will be very telling.

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