Friday, August 29, 2008

Observations from the DNC

TJ Madison

As I write this, some 75,000 mental patients eagerly await Barack Obama's acceptance speech for the Presidential nominee of the Democrat Party at Invesco Field in Denver Colorado.
I usually don't care for these things, whether it be Republican or Democrat, I guess I'm watching it out of curiosity. And as a Political Blogger, I have to take one for the team. I must confess though, I have watched a few other portions of the Convention this week.

It sure is ironic to me, seeing all the American flags being waved around. I vividly remember just days after 9-11 when almost all Americans showed their solidarity and flew flags on their cars and on their homes, in a great sign of Patriotism. However, it didn't take long for the Leftist pundits, in newspapers, magazines, and on television, to criticize Americans as being ignorant, dangerous and Jingoistic.

Well, is Jingoism what I'm seeing now, or is that only when small-town conservative people in 'fly-over' states show their love of country?

The next First Lady?

Day one saw Michelle Obama cap off the night. I found it very interesting how good a job they did 'nice-ing' her up. She was on stage, alone, until the end of the speech when the Obama's charming little daughters came out and joined her. Then on the giant television screen next to the stage, Barack joined them in some 'hokey' conversation, straight out of Leave It to Beaver.

Let's be honest, they are a good-looking family. The kids are cute enough, Barack comes across as a nice guy, but my problem, as far as appearance goes, is the 'real' Michelle Obama. I don't care how much she smiles; she still looks like an angry person with a 'chip' on her shoulder.
Just check out her jaw.

Most women aren't born with jaws like that, it takes years and years of bitterness to end up looking that bitchy.

Not to mention she's a Lawyer, too. WOW, what a Combination!

She will never rid herself of hatred of American traditions and being a black woman. Unfortunately, she will be the closest person to Barack if he becomes our next President.

The Joe Biden VP pick

I've long since 'muted' the Obama speech tonight; it's just another highly produced political advertisement, by definition full of B.S. Even though I can't hear it, I can see it out of the corner of my eye that the Democrat robots are eating up the 'red meat'. He must have used the 'ole stand-by line' (which may have seemed better than just ripping off a whole speech, as Biden did in 1988): "Washington is broke, and I'm just the guy to fix it.

"Yes, Washington is broke, that's why I picked a running mate that's been in the Senate for 60-something years, hasn't fixed anything about Washington, and has contributed to the huge current government. "

Biden was the obvious pick for Obama to make, to 'even out' the ticket. Barack's biggest downside is: the obvious lack of experience. However, there are pitfalls to having two Senators on the ticket, but as has become apparent, an idea does not need to possess any logic, common sense or a shred of the possibility of a positive outcome to be taken quickly by the Obama campaign.

I'm sure the Obama's people got together to discuss the possible VP pick, and it probably went something like:

Barack: OK, we need someone who looks old, but not as old as McCain.

Staffer: How about Hillary?

Barack: No, she ticked me off at the debates, and I might accidentally
confuse her with Michelle.

Staffer: Polls say you can win with Hillary as VP.

Barack: So, logic is overrated. Just because people say it, doesn't mean
it's true, plus I've got two daughters, man. Do you think I want her creepy
husband hanging around the White House?

Staffer: How about an 'outsider', say a Governor, or an Imam?

Barack: Look man, I need someone that knows more about Washington than

Staffer (Thinking): As if that would narrow it down.

Barack: But, not too big a name, he can't be more popular than me .

Staffer: What about Biden? He's old, and he has more hair than McCain,
plus it doesn't take a lot to influence his beliefs you can make him say and
think whatever you want.

Barack: All true, however, his hair is all 'plugs'.

Staffer: I know, but doesn't he make you look even better when he's
standing next to you.

Barack: OK, let's get him on the phone.

Convention Conclusion.

As Barack leaves the stage tonight, I sure am seeing a lot of those American flags again.
Funny how 75,000 hypocrites just love America now?

I guess it's the first time they have ever felt proud of their country, too.

TJ Madison has loved his country his whole life. And it's because of the freedom part too, not just because he lives here. For more on TJ visit our about page.

1 comment:

women4liberty said...

You're 100% correct. Those were 75,000 of the biggest phonies! Thanks for the article.