Friday, August 15, 2008

Saving Garad, Saving America

By: TJ Madison

If we can save Garad, we can save America! Now, who is Garad?

Garad is the type of American voter that will decide another close election. Unfortunately, like many, he is not an American that pays close attention to politics. He is busy with a career, marriage and maybe even three children. Who really can blame these people for not keeping that close an eye on political issues?

Let’s face it, election cycles have started earlier and earlier. It becomes boring, tedious and usually ugly. Have you met anybody who has actually said, “God, I can’t wait to vote for McCain or Obama?”

Less than 90 days from the election, Garad is a ‘soft’ Obama supporter. Which usually means: I’m supporting Obama, but I can’t give you a good reason why.

The ‘Garads’ will usually stay away from most political news and choose to vote on snippets, sound bites, or commercials by a political propagandist.

Advantage Barack Obama.

Why? Well, those of us who follow politics know that major media types are inherently ‘left-wing’, and will do there best to keep Obama in as much of a positive light as they possibly can. No, it’s not a ‘conspiracy’, it’s just a matter of fact that left-leaning young adults tend to choose major’s like journalism in college. (The trend right now is an 80/20 split of journalist favoring the Democrat over the Republican in national elections). Don’t be fooled into thinking that ideology doesn’t creep in to their ‘reporting’.

Another Obama advantage to garner the novice political voter, the masterful techniques and the carefully chosen words he uses while giving a speech. Words, ironically he can’t seem to find when someone asks him an unexpected question. Then you see him go from dignified statesman to bumbling incompetent.

So how are the believers of America’s Founders, you and me, going to convince the ‘Garads’, that a slick orator with some clever buzz words is not the person to make the United States a better, stronger or unified country?

First, the ‘Garads’ are usually good candidates themselves to vote for the Republican nominee. They’re intelligent; they work, pay too much in taxes, own a home and probably want the Federal government to keep out of their business.

Sounds pretty conservative to me!

Second, familiarize him with the radical past of Barack Obama. In spite of his ‘thin’ resume in politics, He sure has amassed a large amount of controversial figures in his political circle.

A book everyone should read, before voting for Obama is: The Obama Nation, by Jerome Corsi. Corsi began researching Obama’s personal and political background soon after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate.

Read about Obama’s extensive connections with Islam and radical left-wing politics, from his father and stepfather’s Islamic backgrounds, to his Communist and Socialist mentors in Hawaii and Chicago. All of it factual, the book is abundantly sourced with over 600 footnotes.

Other disturbing discoveries include:

-Obama’s far-left domestic policy, his controversial votes on abortion, his opposition to the Second Amendment, his over-reaching plans for universal health care and his plan to tax American’s to fund a global poverty reduction program.

-His involvement in the slum-landlord empire of Chicago political fixer, Tony Rezko, who bankrolled initial campaigns and purchased Obama’s dream home.

-A naïve foreign policy, predicated on the reduction of the military, the eradication of nuclear weapons and an over confidence in the power of his personality, as if belief in change alone could somehow transform international politics.

Now don’t think this book will have any effect on the militant Obama supporter or hard leftist, but remember it’s the reasonable people like Garad who we’re reaching out to.

Honestly, I was not going to vote for John McCain two weeks ago and it’s a shame that we don’t have a legitimate small government candidate to vote for in the two major parties. Every week that goes by, and we find out more about this Democrat Emperor who has no clothes, I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit back and watch this ideological Marxist with radical-racial past, win the White House with out being challenged.

TJ Madison is a self-described Jeffersonian Republican living in the People's Republic of Wisconsin. For more on TJ, please visit out about page.


women4liberty said...

Just for the record you're not saying McCain is a vote for liberty, are you?

Thomas Aquinas said...

No, I doubt McCain knows very much about liberty, or the constitution for that matter considering his campaign finance reform and foreign policy positions.

We haven't decide who we would like for president, and in fact did an article debating the pros and cons of voting for Bob Barr a while ago.

TJ Madison said...

McCain is obviously no freind of LIBERTY. However, he will grow the gov't at a less alarming rate then Obama.

Garad44 said...

Andrea said...

First and foremost let me start by saying... that I do love my husband.. and he means well..

NOW.. let me tell you about this blog post he has done.... I am more than FURIOUS with him. This is coming from a person who is very very new to the political front. Again, he is very smart but contains himself in his own interest (hunting, which by the way dear, Sarah Palin is a member of the etc. the norm for a guy his age) I told him the difference in a democrat and a republican literally 4 years ago during the election!!

He ask me just last night as I sat glued to the television watching the most amazing woman lead our republican party-- into what I can only see as the start of a political movement we havent seen in years for our party-- who she was???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Again, i do love my husband but has he been in a hole for the last week????? So forgive me if i am seeming harsh toward him at this time.. but i cant let this go.. when i have two small children that i feel will be in danger if OBAMA is in office!!!!
Now.. i hate to throw him under the bus like this.. but his ex step father (if that makes sense) told him every bit of that. i could see right through his "blog" two sentences into it and knew quickly those weren't his own views.. he doesnt have his own thoughts on this.. just those that are told to him by people that have influence on his life.. (David i do love you as well.... but i strongly disagree with your political views)
Now .. let me see if there are any other things i need to address before i go and try to lower my blood pressure.....
One other thing.. my husband is a faithful member of the Church of Christ.... not the church of christ obama "claims" he is a member of but the true down south.. we dont have music in our church... by the book doesnt get any more strict.. church.. so i think that alone says enough.....

and dear i love you again.. not slamming you .. but it is AL QAEDA... those are the people Mccain/Palin are going to protect you from.

One other thing.. keep in mind OBAMA's experience my husband refers too... is a community coordinator.. this is someone who probably organizes the fair.. or pep rallys with the high school band.......

And one other thing .. with Obama .. we move up a tax bracket.. to be considered WEALTHY.. that is laughable.. are you kidding me??? Good Luck with that! Dont forget my dearest husband.. you are an only child.. how about that inheritance tax he is going to put in place???

I cant even begin to address the rest of your blog.. i would be here all day instead of working to pay bills!!

Have a good day people.. I will enjoy mine basking in the wake of Sarah Palin and her pit bull attitude that will take us straight to the white house.. once again........

Agent Madison said...

Andrea,thanks for your rant. You still have 60 days to save Garad.