Saturday, September 27, 2008

Biden Buffoonery

TJ Madison

If you have read some of my recent articles, I make it clear that this is Barack Hussein Obama's election to lose.

My reasons are the state of the economy, the war in Iraq, and Obama's personality. I thought, whomever he picked to be Vice-President would be immaterial.

Well, I'm not ready to say that Obama is not going to win. However, Joe 'plugs' Biden is sure doing his best to prove me wrong. I originally thought Obama should not pick Hillary to be his VP, on the grounds that Hillary had taken the most 'shots' at Barack in the Democratic debates and on the campaign trail. Ammunition that McCain would have surely have used to his advantage during the last three months of the election.
The quote by Hillary that comes to mind first is always: "He (Obama) is not ready to be President."

Unfortunately, for Barack, she wasn't the only Democrat to say that in the primaries. When Joe Biden was asked if Barack Obama was ready to be President, he responded candidly: "Right now I don't believe he is. The Presidency is not something that lends itself to on the job training."

Well put Senator.

Did you forget this 'gem' from early in the campaign? A reporter asks: "Senator Biden, what do you think is the reason for Barack Obama's popularity with the Democrat voters?" Biden answers: "You've got the first 'main-stream', African-American who's articulate, bright and clean."

So I guess this writer is wondering:

Are the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (along with their followers) going to 'pull the lever' for the Obama/Biden ticket, knowing Joe Biden is has just called them inarticulate, stupid and unclean? Along with every other African-American who has ever run for higher office.

Would a Republican Senator have a job if he said those words?

Moving on, what about Barack's feeling's about Biden? In a 2002 speech, then state-senator Barack Obama said the following about the Iraq war, "I'm not opposed to all wars, just dumb wars." Well, Barack, your 'dumb' VP pick supported that war (note: the Agents of Liberty do not support the current war in Iraq).

Speaking of dumb wars, Joe Biden Said in April 2007, "I would use American force in the Sudan now, It's a moral imperative to stop the bleeding".

So, a third war, started in an Islamic country in a span of six years. If you're an anti-war Democrat, how can you vote for this pick?

That 'dumb' Biden also said: "Paying more taxes is patriotic!" I realize that most Democrats probably believe that phrase, but I didn't think they would actually admit to it during a campaign.

It kind of makes you wonder, what else would Joe Biden consider 'patriotic'? Let's take a look at Joe Biden's dictionary...

Patriotic (pay-tree-ottik) adj/ 1. A believer in higher taxes/2. One with a lust for bigger government/3. Showing a love of political party over country.

Could you image a guy like Joe Biden, living in the later part of the 1700's, having a debate with someone like James Madison?

Madison: How do you feel about no taxation without representation?

Biden: I had no problem with the King of England's taxes. In fact, I believe it's patriotic to pay high taxes, with or without representation.

Madison: Gentleman, this moron has no concept of liberty, please escort Mr. Biden out of the convention and have him tarred and feathered in town square at noon.

Biden: Wait! Wait! I didn't get a chance to talk about the environmental damage the farmers are creating. And the endangered species we have to save. The evil businessmen...

I have no doubt that Madison and the Framers are spinning in their graves, just wondering why the American people could elect Representatives like Joe Biden. This utter buffoon, who has no concept of the real meaning of liberty, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

The American people may overlook Barack's gaffs, but add to it Bidens gaffs, and it makes John McCain look like a modern day George Washington.

My friends, that's a miracle!

TJ Madison is a Ron Paul Republican, living in Wisconsin. He works in the Health care industry, and does not want his job Federalized.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ron Paul & Barry Goldwater

In 1964 Barry Goldwater ran what he knew would be a losing race in an attempt to advance liberty, as a result Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980.

Recently, Ron Paul ran the same kind of race in the Republican Primary and may have, because of the Internet and YouTube, gotten more exposure for liberty.

This article examines the two great politician's manifestos: The Conscience of a Conservative and Revolution: a Manifesto.

Conscience of a Conservative

Goldwater recognized that the American public would not elect a Republican after the death of JFK, but at the same time he saw moderates taking over the Republican Party and ran in the election.

Classic Goldwater Quotes

"The first thing (a conservative) has learned is that each member of a species is a unique creature. Man's most sacred possession is his individual soul -- which has an immortal side, but also a mortal one. The mortal side establishes his absolute differentness from every other human being. Only a Philosophy that takes into account the differences between men, and, accordingly, makes provision for developing the different potentialities of each man can claim to be in accord with nature. We have heard much in time about the "common man." It pays little attention to the history of a nation that grew great through the initiative and ambition of uncommon men. The conservative knows that to regard man as part of an undifferentiated mass is to consign him to ultimate slavery."

If the Conservative is less anxious than his liberal brethren to increase Social Security "benefits,' it is because he is more anxious than his liberal brethren that people be free throughout their lives to spend their earnings how and when they see fit.

The Conscience of a Conservative is pricked by anyone who would debase the dignity of a human being.

The Constitution is: a system of restraints against the natural tendency towards absolutism.

Was it a Democracy the Framers created? Hardly. The system of restraints, on the face of it, was directed not only against individual tyrants, but against the tyranny of the masses. The framers were well aware of the danger posed by self-seeking demagogues – they might be able to persuade a majority of people to confer on government's vast powers in return for deceptive promises of economic gain.

And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' 'interests,' I shall reply I was informed their main interest was liberty and in that cause I am doing the very best I can.

The tenth amendment is not "a general assumption," but a prohibitory rule of law.

Let us not express our contempt for some men, by denying freedom of choice to all men.

The idea that a man who makes $100,000 per year should be forced to contribute 90%* of his income to the cause of government, while the man who makes $20,000 (the equivalent today would be $661,917 and $132,383 respectively) is made to pay 20% is repugnant to my notions of justice. I do not believe in punishing success.

The Revolution: A Manifesto

Paul has been a house member off and on for over twenty years, ever since he read Hayek and Mises then Rothbard he has believed in a free country with a commodity backed currency and has become one of its best promoters.

Ron Paul Quotes

All initiation of force is a violation of someone else's rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it's supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals.

Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.

I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery, and it is intellectually dishonest.

Justifying conscription to promote the cause of liberty is one of the most bizarre notions ever conceived by man! Forced servitude, with the risk of death and serious injury as a price to live free, makes no sense.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.

You wanna get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws.


Both of these politicians promoted liberty to their fullest extent during their respective presidential races, the result of Goldwater's run was Ronald Reagan and one of the most productive decades in the history of America, and perhaps the world.

Hopefully, Ron Paul's run will influence the election of a freedom lover soon.

*In 1964 the highest tax rate was 90% of income, thankfully Ronald Reagan eventually got this reduced to just 28%.

Roark is a college student who hopes he'll see an actual conservative candidate running by the time he enters the job market in four years, unfortunately he doubts this.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Links September 20

I had a bunch of homework to do and some job applications to fill out and turn in this weekend, so the links post appears today. With progressively busier weekends and the possibility will start a new job soon I may start to post the links on Monday, or some other day.


Books every Repub congressman should read

America's Great Depression - Rothbard

Freest Countries in the World

The 'sin' of affluence

The Economic Basics - Russ Roberts

Constitutional Ignorance Forfeits our rights

In Defense of the Speculators

Dull-Thumping Sound

Liberator Online

Which Firms can Fail?

Call of the Entrepreneur

Does America need Trade Surplus?

China is less Socialist then US

Quote of the Week

The Socialists believe in two things, which are absolutely different and perhaps even contradictory: organization and freedom.
- Elie Halevy

We didn't receive many votes for my name change, and at this point I am leaning towards St. Thomas Aquinas.

The new poll is a little more interesting, this week we ask which of the third part candidates do you prefer:

Each of the four is anti-war, and the first three have very libertarian views, Baldwin helped on Ron Paul's campaign and Bob Barr is running for the Libertarian Party.

Remember, you can always vote in our polls on the Home Page, which has been partially re-vamped this week.

Video of the Week

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Ron Paul?

By TJ Madison

Last weekend, my web partner, Roark and I, met in Chicago to attend a Hedge Fund Manager's annual meeting.

For those who don't know, Roark is also my nephew. He, along with a couple of other family members were joining us in Chicago. It isn't surprising that the subject of politics came up; our family has been politically astute as long as I can remember.

While taking a picture with Roark, I insisted that Ron Paul's book, Revolution, be included in the picture. Ron Paul was the candidate that Roark and I backed unequivocally in the primary.

Later on that evening, my father asked my nephew and I, "What makes Ron Paul so special?"

Now, even though we were on the move and only had a minute or two, Roark and I were able to give a few of the patented answers about our favorite Congressman. However, nothing that would really convince a person to become a 'Paulasonian'.

This article is dedicated to answering that million dollar question: Why Ron Paul?

The Man

Of the 435 members of Congress, Ron Paul is one of the few, who panders to nobody. How he has lasted this long in Congress, is a testament to the people in the 14th District in Texas. Very rarely do people elect Representatives who actually live by the words: I do solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Amazingly enough, when discussing a congressional bill, his first question is always, "Is this constitutional?"

Could you imagine if all Congressman actually asked this question before voting for something? The Federal government would shrink to 10% of its current size. Only doing what the Founding Fathers intended.

The Record

What makes Dr. Paul so special is his take on issues. It is hard to confine him to any current ideology. He's part conservative, part libertarian. Now I hate to 'gush', like Chris Mathews on Barack Obama, but he was as close to the perfect Presidential candidate that I will see in my lifetime.

I would probably classify him as a libertarian Republican.

His Libertarian positions include: Shutting down the IRS, ending the 'insane' war on drugs, stopping adventuresome foreign policy, respect civil liberties, the separation of education and State, and having a 'commodity based' monetary policy.

Conservative views include: Pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-illegal immigration, lower taxes, privatizing Social Security and opposition to National Health care.

The only real label you could put on him is: Conservatarian!

The 'Real' Maverick

A lot has been made about John McCain's so-called maverick status. Well, the real maverick in the Republican debates was Ron Paul. Reaching over to the 'other' side of the aisle a few times, does not make one a maverick. Not toting the party line all the time is just part of the equation. A Statesman who's ready to go out on a limb and do what's best for the country, even if unpopular, is a real maverick.

Watching Ron Paul in the debates against nine phony Republicans, 'schooling' them on the Constitution and Foreign Policy, was the stuff mavericks are made of. With all the other candidates selling out to the Neo-Conservative movement, Dr. Paul was on an 'island of liberty' all by himself.

The people who currently speak for the Conservative movement in power, has taken us on a wrong turn when it comes to Foreign Policy. Not to mention, bank bailouts, big business welfare, and growing police state tactics. If a politician with a 'D' after his name was in charge, all of you along with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh would be going crazy with criticism. However, since it's someone all of you voted for, you choose to ignore the obvious down slide this country is in.

Don't get me wrong, Democrats are just as responsible for what's happened the last 15 years.

However, Bush's insistence of 'nation building' and 'printing money' will be the downfall of God's greatest Nation.

It just makes me wonder why our party can put up 10 candidates, and only one will actually make a case for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let's look at the other candidates who were running:

Mitt Romney: As Governor, started a State run health care program. That's Conservative?

Rudy Guiliani: A gun-grabbing Fascist-Socialist, North Eastern Liberal.

John McCain: Socialist Moderate Democrat at best, He's Joe Lieberman with an 'R' after his name.

Mike Huckabee: Arkansas, again? No thank you.

Fred Thompson: McCain's voting record. All talk, no walk.

The other four? Who cares?

And don't give me the crap like: He can't win. If you can't vote for the best candidate in the primary, why even have elections? You vote for the lesser of two evils in the general election, not the primary.

TJ Madison is a 'Black Sheep' Republican living in the People's Republic of WI. Drinking as much bottled water as possible, just because it pisses off Leftist Socialist Utopians.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Far Out

TJ and I recently learned that some business associates with a relative of ours have accused the website of being 'far-out.'

This is a common accusation of Libertarians, I'm here to show that many smart and important people in America's history were 'far out,' and this quality is certainly not negative.

"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." – John Adams (1814)

Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. – George Washington

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none. – Thomas Jefferson

No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session. – Mark Twain (1866)

The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. – Mark Twain

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. – C. S. Lewis

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. – Samuel Adams

Give me liberty or give me death! – Patrick Henry

Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at its worst, an intolerant one. – Thomas Paine

A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. – P. J. O’Rourke

Government never furthered any enterprise but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. – Henry David Thoreau

The great virtue of a free market system is that it does not care what color people are; it does not care what their religion is; it only cares whether they can produce something you want to buy. It is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another. – Milton Friedman

The Government is like a baby’s alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. – Ronald Reagan

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed – unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. – James Madison

I should have loved freedom, I believe, at all times, but in the time in which we live I am ready to worship it. – Alexis De Toqueville

If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law. – Winston Churchill

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. – Mahatma Gandhi, in Gandhi, An Autobiography, p. 446

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Benjamin Franklin

Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. – Lord Acton

Useless laws weaken the necessary laws. – Montesquieu

Roark is a freshman college student currently struggling with the common ignorance shown by his classmates, he is proud to be 'far-out.' For more on him please visit our about page.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Links September 15

TJ and I were at a conference this weekend, so the links post was never done, here it is.

Don't do it

John Stossel speech

Mises University

Palin and Beltway Pundits

Lifeblodd of the Empire

Kohler Strike

Is Gold Money?

Free Market Underdog

Close Gov Schools

Democrat Oil Deceptions

Kayaker Stuck

Quote of the Week

If one rejects laissez faire on account of mans fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.

-Ludwig von Mises


Only eleven total votes in this, latest, poll, but according to the voters Agents' readers are now more likely to vote for McCain with Palin as the VP.

With Sarah Palin as VP I am
More likely to vote for McCain(5)45%
Less Likely(0)
Still voting third party(3)27%

This next week's poll, it will only be up for a week, regards the changing of my pseudonym, I've decided that I share too many differences with Howard Roark, and I will change my name to one of the following:
  • Midas Mulligan: The Banker in Atlas Shrugged
  • Midas: Greek King who turned everything he touched into Gold
  • Thomas Paine: Going Founding Father, like TJ, Paine's pamphlet was called, "Common Sense"
  • Aquinas: an 11th Century Dominican Priest who emphasized reason
  • Other, e-mail your suggestion to:
You can vote in the poll here.

Video of the Week

Friday, September 12, 2008

Feminists Worst Nightmare

By, TJ Madison

Is the Sarah Palin choice for VP a new version of Mrs. Smith goes to Washington? Let's hope so.

As you may remember, the movie 'Mr. Smith goes to Washington', an idealistic man from outside of the establishment politics, successfully goes to Washington to change it; not let Washington change him.

Well, that's what I think of when I see Sarah Palin. She's about as far away from Washington as you could possibly get, both physically and (hopefully) ideologically. It showed me McCain wanted to look to the future, while his adversary, Barack Obama, choose to go to the past and pick someone who is everything corrupt about Washington.

Let's be honest, this is a very risky pick, that has paid dividends early on. McCain succeeded in keeping Obama from getting a 15 point lead after the Democratic National Convention. Something he probably could not have gained back by November. Had Obama got to a 15 point lead, the public would have been inundated daily that the race was already over. Something I believe, McCain would not have been able to overcome.

Other VP Choices

After being surprised by the Palin pick, I immediately went and researched what Conservative McCain could have picked. Let's face it; it had to be a Conservative. All the talk about Joe Lieberman and 'pro-abortion' Republicans was all a bunch of bull. He wasn't campaigning around the nation at 70-something years old, to finish in second place! He was smart enough to know that a 'real' Conservative would give him the shot in the arm he desperately needed from the 'base' of the party.

My first choice would have been Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina. However, other than that, there are no other Governors that fit the bill of 'real' Conservative. He would have never picked a Senator, it's bad enough he's one!

Now, Sanford would not have made the 'splash' of a Sarah Palin, but he would have made the Republican 'base' very happy.

The Good

The best thing about the Palin pick, is that this may be the first time many young females will be able to see a 'legitimate' strong woman on the national stage. Sarah is not you're typical 'feminist' prototype. You know, that angry, bitter, bra-burning Socialist, ready to sue a male co-worker for looking at them strangely.

She's a strong woman who is for Constitutional rights for the unborn. Women who are pro-abortion are the weak. What greater weakness could there be then: deciding a human being will not be born, just because 'it doesn't fit my lifestyle right now.'

Just by looking at her and listening to her, you can tell she's an upbeat, positive female, who would put America before the sisterhood. Most Feminists are concerned about equality, I see her as putting liberty ahead of equality.

Her politics and her personal life make her part Maggie Thatcher, part Ted Nugent.

The Bad

Detractors will say she's unknown and inexperienced, and they're mostly right. However, Palin could turn these into positives in the next two months. We live in a time when people want fresh new faces in politics. And if Sarah can convince the people that she handled running a large State and comes off as confident in the debates, the inexperience factor may fade away.

Remember: A philandering Governor from Arkansas won, twice. What foreign policy experience did he have in 1992? The truth is: Nobody really has foreign policy experience, unless you've been President, Vice President, ambassador, or Secretary of State.

Besides, what's more impressive: Saying you're the Governor of Arkansas, or saying you're the Governor of Alaska? Just think how many more women Bill Clinton could have gotten, had he been the Governor of a legitimate State? It's not that easy to pick up women when your best line is: "Hey, baby I run the State that's 48th or worse in... everything."

The Ugly

Did you notice how Barack Obama is now acting like a little boy, who's parent's just gave birth to another sibling, and now that sibling is getting all the parents attention. Now the boy, who used to get all the attention, is upset, and he's on the other side of the room yelling, "Look at me, I'm still here"!

You just know he's jealous. Why else would he be attacking her? Did he forget he's competing against John McCain, not Sarah Palin?

My advice to Back Obama, when it comes to Governor Palin: stop talking about her, and tell the other people speaking for you, to put a cork in it. Because Sarah Palin is very likable, and you're not going to be able to keep 'stepping in it' much longer.

But why would 'Jesus Christ' take advice from me?

I have not seen the Republican base this fired up about anyone in the last twenty-five years. Couple that with Palin getting all the media attention, and getting credit for McCain's rise in the Polls, how long before we read the newspaper headline:

"Biden Bows Out, Hillary Named VP."

TJ Madison is a 'Black Sheep' Republican, living in the People's Republic of WI. He drinks bottled water and prefers to buy goods that are packed in lots of Styrofoam.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Basic Economics

I finished listening to Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics today, and considering my last article was very short, I've decide to write a quick review on the book.

Also, for those TJ Maniacs, don't worry he'll be back this week after having some computer problems last week.

Sowell has taught Economics, "the study of scarce resources with different uses," at Cornell, Amherst and Cal-LA, currently he is a scholar in residence at the Hoover Institution at Stanford.

I don't have my copy of the book here at school, so I can't do a thorough review, but here are some of the main points explored in the book:
  • Prices are essential and price controls always cause shortages. Using hotel rooms as an example: after a hurricane hits many people leave their homes and try to find a hotel somewhere. If the hotel kept the normal low price a family of four or five may choose to rent two rooms, causing the supply of rooms to drop. However, if the price is raised sufficiently, the family will probably choose to use just one room, this allows some other family to use the other room.
  • Centrally planned economies cannot succeed. Simply: a farmer knows a helluva lot more about what to plant on his farm than a bureaucrat 1,000 miles away ever can. More complicated: most resources have different uses, with prices they will be put to the use that is most needed, because the low supply will cause the price to rise, if the economy is centrally planned these resources are likely to be misused and there may well be shortages of food, while something like ethanol is in full supply.
  • Speculators help, a lot. A commodity speculator effectively takes all risk off the farmer, by signing a contract agreeing to pay that farmer a set price for the commodity, regardless of the eventual real price. Because of this, the farmer takes no risk if the price soars, and the speculator, through a diversified portfolio of commodities, can also reduce his risk
  • In international trade there are no 'winners,' or 'losers,' and a lot more jobs are gained then lost. For example, because it is 'free' trade, there can be, by definition, no loser (both parties agree on terms, so both win). Because of this even if some jobs are lost many more jobs are created by the excess of profits.
Sowell goes over these points (in much better detail) and many others in the book. It is written very well, and is never hard to understand, thankfully, considering the nature of the book. It is also written with many references and real-world and business examples, that add to the enjoyment of the book while verifying its contents.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Are We Living in 1776?

I was reading over the Declaration of Independence, and decided to compare the King of England in 1776 to our current government, to see how the colonists may have acted.

The DOI contained a list of the grievances against the king; they will be compared to the current state.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

President Bush, has signed bills while writing in the caption that he would just take in ‘advisement’ the bill he had signed, and may not enforce it.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

The House was going to vote on whether or not more oil could be drilled, and Nancy Pelosi adjourned congress and turned the lights off.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

Try reading through the IRS tax code, and you’ll see how the government harasses people and, “eats out their substance.”

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

Who has more rights a civilian or a Police Officer; regardless of the situation?

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws

The vast majority of the different parts and departments of government today are unconstitutional.

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world

Not all parts, but there are rules for trading with Cuba and there are sanctions on other countries.

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

I am under the impression that it says in the constitution that the government cannot tax the income of the people. If the legislature can just vote this rule away, what will protect any and all of our other rights?

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury

Please see: prisoners residing in Guantanamo Bay.

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments

The constitution was intended to limit government and give most of the power to the states and to the people, but over and over again the Federal government has taken control over the states.

All of these grievances were written 232 years ago, but some of them, as shown above ring true today.

Is it time for a Revolution?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Links September 6, 2008

We had our first reply to an article this week. I encourage our readers to send the articles to all of their liberal firends, we like writing, but not near as much as we love debate.

The Libertarian Case for Palin

Tom Woods archive, author of PIG to American History

Three Things to Ponder

Frederic Bastiat Bio

Bastiat as an Austrian Economist

We Who Dared to say No to War

Palin's Career ends in Tragedy

Alaskan anti-real ID activist view on Palin

Did Sarah Palin try to Ban Books?

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice?

Charles Murray Interview

Lord Acton Quotes

The Best Man Turned out to be a Woman

Who Killed the Constitution?

Foreign Policy 'Experience'

Quote of the Week

Let me give you a tip on men's characters: the man who damns money has earned it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it. -Ayn Rand

Video of the Week

This week's video is Thomas Sowell talking about things in his book, Economic Facts and Fallacies

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Garad's Response

A few weeks ago we wrote an article to 'Garad,' who in reality works with TJ's Father.

Garad has replied, you can find that article here

Now I (Roark this time) will respond to that article.

OK, I'll respond here, your comments are in italics, and my answer follow them.

I thought it was decided by the delegates and super delegates. Who are these people anyway?

In the primaries the person who ends up running for the two main parties. In the general election each state has a number of electoral votes, which is equal to the amount of representatives plus senators.

It seems to me that tons of lies and deception from the right are flooding the airways trying to create a trail that suggest that there are some truth to it.

The lies that you have heard are all related to Sarah Palin. There is enough true stuff on Obama that nothing needs to be made up.

He did go to a Muslim school.
He did become friends with a convicted felon who funded his campaigns.
He did go to Church for 20 years and listen to racists America hating.
Just about everything you here about Obama is true.

Obama is a class act and has consistantly taken the high road like no other candidate that I have ever seen.

Did he take the high road when he forced the other candidates off the ballot in Illinois?
Did he take the high road when he refused to go to a military hospital?
Did he take the high road when he voted for infanticide?
Is he taking the high road knowingly lying to Americans about Economics?

I think if he were white, there would be a 20% lead over McCain, I really hate to say that because I am in no way a racist.

I disagree I think if he were white McCain would be up by at least 15 points. Why else would so many people want to vote for someone with absolutely no experience, and preaching the exact same socialist crap that Lyndon Johnson put in, which didn't work, 45 years ago, then calling it change?

People are attacking him and his charater because they have driven the country into the toilet and have nothing to say when it comes to what matters, the issues facing this country.

I haven't heard a lot of people attacking him, but then I don't listen to talk radio often. The media is madly in love with Obama, he's been on the cover of Times like 7 times in the past year. Listen to what the people who are attacking him are saying; they're probably correct.

The economy, huge deficit, Iraq, and where is the alquida?

Obama is in no way any answer for the economy, his socialistic theories have never worked anywhere, and can never work.

His whole basis is taxing more people, tell me how do you help the economy by taking money away form it? How can you call yourself moral if you want to take money from one class of people, by force, to give to another?

What about a woman's right to choose, human rights

I find it ironic that you put human rights in the same sentence as the horrific procedure that has stolen the rights of 40 million unborn children.

Tell me: why should a woman have a right to 'choose' whether or not her child lives? Should woman be able just say I can't take it and put her three year-old son to death? Where's the difference?

If any one has traveled internationally lately look at how we are percieved and a global basis.

I actually agree with this, but Obama is certainly not the answer. We need a president who is ready to follow the constitution, and remove our troops from every base not in the US.

We would hate any country who put a military base on our land against our will.

Bush has basically bankrupted our country.

Bush is only partly responsible for this, Clinton, the Fed and congress must also hold the blame.

The Fed needs to stop printing money and the congress needs to stop putting through unconstitutional bills that steal the money of the people.

Personally O don't care about her personal life but I think it is interesting that she fought to stop sex education in the schools in favor of teaching creationism.

I don't understand this sex education says wear a condom and creationism says God created man.

If you mean evolution, I believe they should both be taught, why would you not teach student s a possibility? It does not need to be endorsed.

Family values? Kind of hard to raise a family with her career.

I don't agree with this, she could stay in Alaska while governor and the Vice President doesn't really do anything except break a tie in the senate.

Experience? Virtually none. She just got her first passport to leave the country.

Regardless, of the fact that she has only been in office for two years, Obama has no executive experience and his federal experience consists of 3.5 years in the Senate, two of these were spent campaigning. As for Foreign Policy experience, who really has foreign policy experience before being president other than Secretaries of State? It isn't Biden and it sure as hell is not Obama.

Our country is in need of a major change!!!

This is probably true, but the change we need should come in the form of less government, not in the form of Big Brother.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that should be Obvious Part II

Part 1

Corporations don’t Pay Taxes

This is pretty rampant, but also pretty easy to understand. A corporation is not a living being, it is a collection of people: employees, owners (shareholders) and customers. When the government taxes a ‘corporation’ it taxes these three through lower wages, less income and or higher prices.

The Government shouldn’t be able to do anything Citizens cannot do

According to the Declaration of Independence the government derives its, “…powers from the consent of the governed.” Even a quick glance at the constitution will show that is was written to constrict the powers of the government. With this in mind how does one explain why the government has more rights than the citizens of its country?

Welfare is Immoral

Considering that government cannot do anything a citizen can do, how do you explain taking money away, by force, from the people who earned it to give it to other people, the other people decided by a third party?

Most of the Congress should be tried for Perjury

The Oath of Office for the Senate is:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

So for example anyone who voted to give the President the power to declare war, which is unconstitutional, should be tried for perjuring himself while saying the oath of office.

The War on Drugs is worthless

Does anyone really believe that government regulations stop people from buying and doing drugs?
Why then is a black market created where gangs get huge profit margins and start gang wars over territory? Not to mention a lot of drugs are not pure, which makes them more dangerous.

The Vice President does not matter

The Vice President’s job is basically to break a tie in the Senate and take over if the President dies.

Thus, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are (should) not (be) meaningful to either campaign.

It wouldn’t be that bad, tax-revenue-wise, if the income tax was repealed

This was taken from Congressman Paul’s book; if the amount of tax revenue from income (40%) were taken away the size of the government would be the same it was in 1997.

I’m not sure which is worse: people believe this would end the world, or that the government has grown 66% since 1997.

Concerning Abortion, rape and incest shouldn’t matter

The main argument for being against abortion is that it is murder. Why then should it matter if the baby is the result of incest or rape? Should orphans be put to death? Children whose father is sent to jail?

Basic Economics is a more vital class than 11 and 12th grade English and Computer Technology, and most other High School Classes

In 11th and 12th grade English I can honestly say I did not learn anything that I will use later in my life. I started an excel class in college this year, and we did 75% of my high school computer tech class in an hour and a half.

Basic Economics, on the other hand, is a subject where the majority of US adults are extremely deficient in the most elementary aspects of Economics; this subject could immensely help America.

There is not a reason for Religion and Creationism classes not to be taught in public schools

I understand there should be a separation of Church and state, but one can teach a subject without necessarily endorsing it.

Roark is the Pseudonym of a College Student living in Slat Lake City, Utah. This blog is the result of his daily struggle, dealing with ignorant students, some who refuse to drink bottled water. For more on his visit our about page.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Links September 1

I had some laptop problems this weekend, so the links post is a few days late, but here it is:

Strong Support for Barr

Biden on Budget and Economy

"" on Trade and Economics

Economist Poll

Ludwig von Mises Videos

Obama Fraud Birth Certificate

Barr on Cavuto

David Freidman responds to critique of Libertarianism

Jon Andreas resaponds to Freidman

Freidman responds back

Who was Edward House

World's Largest Sign Protests Abortion

Dinesh D'Souza debates Christopher Hitchens

Liberty Book list

Bob Barr Stand-up Comedian

Blind Faith

Constituional Scholar Obama Questions Legality of Slavery Ban

America's Two Just Wars, Part 1

Book Update

I was able to take advantage of the long weekend and finish Atlas Shrugged and Barry Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative.

I am currently reading the last of Ayn Rand's fiction,We the Living, and will write about each of her four books, when I finish.

Quote of the Week

The first thing (a conservative) has learned is that each member of a species is a unique creature. Man's most sacred possession is his individual soul -- which has an immortal side, but also a mortal one. The mortal side establishes his absolute differentness from every other human being.Only a Philosophy that takes into account the differences between men, and, accordingly, makes provision for developing the different potentialities of each man can claim to be in accord with nature. We have heard much in time about the "common man." It pays little attention to the history of a nation that grew great through the initiative and ambition of uncommon men. The conservative knows that to regard man as part of an undifferentiated mass is to consign him to ultimate slavery.


Here's the result to the last poll:

Which is the best Tax Plan?
Keep it how it is(0)
The Fair Tax(10) 53%
A Flat Tax(1) 5%
A Flat Tax for a while, then a value-added tax(5) 26%
No taxes at all, it's theft(3) 16%

19 total votes since 09/01/08

For more information on the Fair Tax, which won the poll, please visit this site

This week's poll is:

With Sarah Palin as VP I am:

  • More Likely to vote for McCain
  • Less Likely
  • Unchanged
  • Still Voting Third Party
  • Obamessiah!

To vote in the poll please visit our Home Page

Video of the Week

This week's video is Howard Roark's speech in The Fountainhead