Monday, September 15, 2008

Links September 15

TJ and I were at a conference this weekend, so the links post was never done, here it is.

Don't do it

John Stossel speech

Mises University

Palin and Beltway Pundits

Lifeblodd of the Empire

Kohler Strike

Is Gold Money?

Free Market Underdog

Close Gov Schools

Democrat Oil Deceptions

Kayaker Stuck

Quote of the Week

If one rejects laissez faire on account of mans fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.

-Ludwig von Mises


Only eleven total votes in this, latest, poll, but according to the voters Agents' readers are now more likely to vote for McCain with Palin as the VP.

With Sarah Palin as VP I am
More likely to vote for McCain(5)45%
Less Likely(0)
Still voting third party(3)27%

This next week's poll, it will only be up for a week, regards the changing of my pseudonym, I've decided that I share too many differences with Howard Roark, and I will change my name to one of the following:
  • Midas Mulligan: The Banker in Atlas Shrugged
  • Midas: Greek King who turned everything he touched into Gold
  • Thomas Paine: Going Founding Father, like TJ, Paine's pamphlet was called, "Common Sense"
  • Aquinas: an 11th Century Dominican Priest who emphasized reason
  • Other, e-mail your suggestion to:
You can vote in the poll here.

Video of the Week

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