Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that should be Obvious Part II

Part 1

Corporations don’t Pay Taxes

This is pretty rampant, but also pretty easy to understand. A corporation is not a living being, it is a collection of people: employees, owners (shareholders) and customers. When the government taxes a ‘corporation’ it taxes these three through lower wages, less income and or higher prices.

The Government shouldn’t be able to do anything Citizens cannot do

According to the Declaration of Independence the government derives its, “…powers from the consent of the governed.” Even a quick glance at the constitution will show that is was written to constrict the powers of the government. With this in mind how does one explain why the government has more rights than the citizens of its country?

Welfare is Immoral

Considering that government cannot do anything a citizen can do, how do you explain taking money away, by force, from the people who earned it to give it to other people, the other people decided by a third party?

Most of the Congress should be tried for Perjury

The Oath of Office for the Senate is:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

So for example anyone who voted to give the President the power to declare war, which is unconstitutional, should be tried for perjuring himself while saying the oath of office.

The War on Drugs is worthless

Does anyone really believe that government regulations stop people from buying and doing drugs?
Why then is a black market created where gangs get huge profit margins and start gang wars over territory? Not to mention a lot of drugs are not pure, which makes them more dangerous.

The Vice President does not matter

The Vice President’s job is basically to break a tie in the Senate and take over if the President dies.

Thus, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are (should) not (be) meaningful to either campaign.

It wouldn’t be that bad, tax-revenue-wise, if the income tax was repealed

This was taken from Congressman Paul’s book; if the amount of tax revenue from income (40%) were taken away the size of the government would be the same it was in 1997.

I’m not sure which is worse: people believe this would end the world, or that the government has grown 66% since 1997.

Concerning Abortion, rape and incest shouldn’t matter

The main argument for being against abortion is that it is murder. Why then should it matter if the baby is the result of incest or rape? Should orphans be put to death? Children whose father is sent to jail?

Basic Economics is a more vital class than 11 and 12th grade English and Computer Technology, and most other High School Classes

In 11th and 12th grade English I can honestly say I did not learn anything that I will use later in my life. I started an excel class in college this year, and we did 75% of my high school computer tech class in an hour and a half.

Basic Economics, on the other hand, is a subject where the majority of US adults are extremely deficient in the most elementary aspects of Economics; this subject could immensely help America.

There is not a reason for Religion and Creationism classes not to be taught in public schools

I understand there should be a separation of Church and state, but one can teach a subject without necessarily endorsing it.

Roark is the Pseudonym of a College Student living in Slat Lake City, Utah. This blog is the result of his daily struggle, dealing with ignorant students, some who refuse to drink bottled water. For more on his visit our about page.

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