Saturday, September 6, 2008

Links September 6, 2008

We had our first reply to an article this week. I encourage our readers to send the articles to all of their liberal firends, we like writing, but not near as much as we love debate.

The Libertarian Case for Palin

Tom Woods archive, author of PIG to American History

Three Things to Ponder

Frederic Bastiat Bio

Bastiat as an Austrian Economist

We Who Dared to say No to War

Palin's Career ends in Tragedy

Alaskan anti-real ID activist view on Palin

Did Sarah Palin try to Ban Books?

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice?

Charles Murray Interview

Lord Acton Quotes

The Best Man Turned out to be a Woman

Who Killed the Constitution?

Foreign Policy 'Experience'

Quote of the Week

Let me give you a tip on men's characters: the man who damns money has earned it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it. -Ayn Rand

Video of the Week

This week's video is Thomas Sowell talking about things in his book, Economic Facts and Fallacies

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