Thursday, September 4, 2008

Garad's Response

A few weeks ago we wrote an article to 'Garad,' who in reality works with TJ's Father.

Garad has replied, you can find that article here

Now I (Roark this time) will respond to that article.

OK, I'll respond here, your comments are in italics, and my answer follow them.

I thought it was decided by the delegates and super delegates. Who are these people anyway?

In the primaries the person who ends up running for the two main parties. In the general election each state has a number of electoral votes, which is equal to the amount of representatives plus senators.

It seems to me that tons of lies and deception from the right are flooding the airways trying to create a trail that suggest that there are some truth to it.

The lies that you have heard are all related to Sarah Palin. There is enough true stuff on Obama that nothing needs to be made up.

He did go to a Muslim school.
He did become friends with a convicted felon who funded his campaigns.
He did go to Church for 20 years and listen to racists America hating.
Just about everything you here about Obama is true.

Obama is a class act and has consistantly taken the high road like no other candidate that I have ever seen.

Did he take the high road when he forced the other candidates off the ballot in Illinois?
Did he take the high road when he refused to go to a military hospital?
Did he take the high road when he voted for infanticide?
Is he taking the high road knowingly lying to Americans about Economics?

I think if he were white, there would be a 20% lead over McCain, I really hate to say that because I am in no way a racist.

I disagree I think if he were white McCain would be up by at least 15 points. Why else would so many people want to vote for someone with absolutely no experience, and preaching the exact same socialist crap that Lyndon Johnson put in, which didn't work, 45 years ago, then calling it change?

People are attacking him and his charater because they have driven the country into the toilet and have nothing to say when it comes to what matters, the issues facing this country.

I haven't heard a lot of people attacking him, but then I don't listen to talk radio often. The media is madly in love with Obama, he's been on the cover of Times like 7 times in the past year. Listen to what the people who are attacking him are saying; they're probably correct.

The economy, huge deficit, Iraq, and where is the alquida?

Obama is in no way any answer for the economy, his socialistic theories have never worked anywhere, and can never work.

His whole basis is taxing more people, tell me how do you help the economy by taking money away form it? How can you call yourself moral if you want to take money from one class of people, by force, to give to another?

What about a woman's right to choose, human rights

I find it ironic that you put human rights in the same sentence as the horrific procedure that has stolen the rights of 40 million unborn children.

Tell me: why should a woman have a right to 'choose' whether or not her child lives? Should woman be able just say I can't take it and put her three year-old son to death? Where's the difference?

If any one has traveled internationally lately look at how we are percieved and a global basis.

I actually agree with this, but Obama is certainly not the answer. We need a president who is ready to follow the constitution, and remove our troops from every base not in the US.

We would hate any country who put a military base on our land against our will.

Bush has basically bankrupted our country.

Bush is only partly responsible for this, Clinton, the Fed and congress must also hold the blame.

The Fed needs to stop printing money and the congress needs to stop putting through unconstitutional bills that steal the money of the people.

Personally O don't care about her personal life but I think it is interesting that she fought to stop sex education in the schools in favor of teaching creationism.

I don't understand this sex education says wear a condom and creationism says God created man.

If you mean evolution, I believe they should both be taught, why would you not teach student s a possibility? It does not need to be endorsed.

Family values? Kind of hard to raise a family with her career.

I don't agree with this, she could stay in Alaska while governor and the Vice President doesn't really do anything except break a tie in the senate.

Experience? Virtually none. She just got her first passport to leave the country.

Regardless, of the fact that she has only been in office for two years, Obama has no executive experience and his federal experience consists of 3.5 years in the Senate, two of these were spent campaigning. As for Foreign Policy experience, who really has foreign policy experience before being president other than Secretaries of State? It isn't Biden and it sure as hell is not Obama.

Our country is in need of a major change!!!

This is probably true, but the change we need should come in the form of less government, not in the form of Big Brother.

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