Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Ron Paul?

By TJ Madison

Last weekend, my web partner, Roark and I, met in Chicago to attend a Hedge Fund Manager's annual meeting.

For those who don't know, Roark is also my nephew. He, along with a couple of other family members were joining us in Chicago. It isn't surprising that the subject of politics came up; our family has been politically astute as long as I can remember.

While taking a picture with Roark, I insisted that Ron Paul's book, Revolution, be included in the picture. Ron Paul was the candidate that Roark and I backed unequivocally in the primary.

Later on that evening, my father asked my nephew and I, "What makes Ron Paul so special?"

Now, even though we were on the move and only had a minute or two, Roark and I were able to give a few of the patented answers about our favorite Congressman. However, nothing that would really convince a person to become a 'Paulasonian'.

This article is dedicated to answering that million dollar question: Why Ron Paul?

The Man

Of the 435 members of Congress, Ron Paul is one of the few, who panders to nobody. How he has lasted this long in Congress, is a testament to the people in the 14th District in Texas. Very rarely do people elect Representatives who actually live by the words: I do solemnly swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Amazingly enough, when discussing a congressional bill, his first question is always, "Is this constitutional?"

Could you imagine if all Congressman actually asked this question before voting for something? The Federal government would shrink to 10% of its current size. Only doing what the Founding Fathers intended.

The Record

What makes Dr. Paul so special is his take on issues. It is hard to confine him to any current ideology. He's part conservative, part libertarian. Now I hate to 'gush', like Chris Mathews on Barack Obama, but he was as close to the perfect Presidential candidate that I will see in my lifetime.

I would probably classify him as a libertarian Republican.

His Libertarian positions include: Shutting down the IRS, ending the 'insane' war on drugs, stopping adventuresome foreign policy, respect civil liberties, the separation of education and State, and having a 'commodity based' monetary policy.

Conservative views include: Pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-illegal immigration, lower taxes, privatizing Social Security and opposition to National Health care.

The only real label you could put on him is: Conservatarian!

The 'Real' Maverick

A lot has been made about John McCain's so-called maverick status. Well, the real maverick in the Republican debates was Ron Paul. Reaching over to the 'other' side of the aisle a few times, does not make one a maverick. Not toting the party line all the time is just part of the equation. A Statesman who's ready to go out on a limb and do what's best for the country, even if unpopular, is a real maverick.

Watching Ron Paul in the debates against nine phony Republicans, 'schooling' them on the Constitution and Foreign Policy, was the stuff mavericks are made of. With all the other candidates selling out to the Neo-Conservative movement, Dr. Paul was on an 'island of liberty' all by himself.

The people who currently speak for the Conservative movement in power, has taken us on a wrong turn when it comes to Foreign Policy. Not to mention, bank bailouts, big business welfare, and growing police state tactics. If a politician with a 'D' after his name was in charge, all of you along with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh would be going crazy with criticism. However, since it's someone all of you voted for, you choose to ignore the obvious down slide this country is in.

Don't get me wrong, Democrats are just as responsible for what's happened the last 15 years.

However, Bush's insistence of 'nation building' and 'printing money' will be the downfall of God's greatest Nation.

It just makes me wonder why our party can put up 10 candidates, and only one will actually make a case for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let's look at the other candidates who were running:

Mitt Romney: As Governor, started a State run health care program. That's Conservative?

Rudy Guiliani: A gun-grabbing Fascist-Socialist, North Eastern Liberal.

John McCain: Socialist Moderate Democrat at best, He's Joe Lieberman with an 'R' after his name.

Mike Huckabee: Arkansas, again? No thank you.

Fred Thompson: McCain's voting record. All talk, no walk.

The other four? Who cares?

And don't give me the crap like: He can't win. If you can't vote for the best candidate in the primary, why even have elections? You vote for the lesser of two evils in the general election, not the primary.

TJ Madison is a 'Black Sheep' Republican living in the People's Republic of WI. Drinking as much bottled water as possible, just because it pisses off Leftist Socialist Utopians.

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