Friday, September 12, 2008

Feminists Worst Nightmare

By, TJ Madison

Is the Sarah Palin choice for VP a new version of Mrs. Smith goes to Washington? Let's hope so.

As you may remember, the movie 'Mr. Smith goes to Washington', an idealistic man from outside of the establishment politics, successfully goes to Washington to change it; not let Washington change him.

Well, that's what I think of when I see Sarah Palin. She's about as far away from Washington as you could possibly get, both physically and (hopefully) ideologically. It showed me McCain wanted to look to the future, while his adversary, Barack Obama, choose to go to the past and pick someone who is everything corrupt about Washington.

Let's be honest, this is a very risky pick, that has paid dividends early on. McCain succeeded in keeping Obama from getting a 15 point lead after the Democratic National Convention. Something he probably could not have gained back by November. Had Obama got to a 15 point lead, the public would have been inundated daily that the race was already over. Something I believe, McCain would not have been able to overcome.

Other VP Choices

After being surprised by the Palin pick, I immediately went and researched what Conservative McCain could have picked. Let's face it; it had to be a Conservative. All the talk about Joe Lieberman and 'pro-abortion' Republicans was all a bunch of bull. He wasn't campaigning around the nation at 70-something years old, to finish in second place! He was smart enough to know that a 'real' Conservative would give him the shot in the arm he desperately needed from the 'base' of the party.

My first choice would have been Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina. However, other than that, there are no other Governors that fit the bill of 'real' Conservative. He would have never picked a Senator, it's bad enough he's one!

Now, Sanford would not have made the 'splash' of a Sarah Palin, but he would have made the Republican 'base' very happy.

The Good

The best thing about the Palin pick, is that this may be the first time many young females will be able to see a 'legitimate' strong woman on the national stage. Sarah is not you're typical 'feminist' prototype. You know, that angry, bitter, bra-burning Socialist, ready to sue a male co-worker for looking at them strangely.

She's a strong woman who is for Constitutional rights for the unborn. Women who are pro-abortion are the weak. What greater weakness could there be then: deciding a human being will not be born, just because 'it doesn't fit my lifestyle right now.'

Just by looking at her and listening to her, you can tell she's an upbeat, positive female, who would put America before the sisterhood. Most Feminists are concerned about equality, I see her as putting liberty ahead of equality.

Her politics and her personal life make her part Maggie Thatcher, part Ted Nugent.

The Bad

Detractors will say she's unknown and inexperienced, and they're mostly right. However, Palin could turn these into positives in the next two months. We live in a time when people want fresh new faces in politics. And if Sarah can convince the people that she handled running a large State and comes off as confident in the debates, the inexperience factor may fade away.

Remember: A philandering Governor from Arkansas won, twice. What foreign policy experience did he have in 1992? The truth is: Nobody really has foreign policy experience, unless you've been President, Vice President, ambassador, or Secretary of State.

Besides, what's more impressive: Saying you're the Governor of Arkansas, or saying you're the Governor of Alaska? Just think how many more women Bill Clinton could have gotten, had he been the Governor of a legitimate State? It's not that easy to pick up women when your best line is: "Hey, baby I run the State that's 48th or worse in... everything."

The Ugly

Did you notice how Barack Obama is now acting like a little boy, who's parent's just gave birth to another sibling, and now that sibling is getting all the parents attention. Now the boy, who used to get all the attention, is upset, and he's on the other side of the room yelling, "Look at me, I'm still here"!

You just know he's jealous. Why else would he be attacking her? Did he forget he's competing against John McCain, not Sarah Palin?

My advice to Back Obama, when it comes to Governor Palin: stop talking about her, and tell the other people speaking for you, to put a cork in it. Because Sarah Palin is very likable, and you're not going to be able to keep 'stepping in it' much longer.

But why would 'Jesus Christ' take advice from me?

I have not seen the Republican base this fired up about anyone in the last twenty-five years. Couple that with Palin getting all the media attention, and getting credit for McCain's rise in the Polls, how long before we read the newspaper headline:

"Biden Bows Out, Hillary Named VP."

TJ Madison is a 'Black Sheep' Republican, living in the People's Republic of WI. He drinks bottled water and prefers to buy goods that are packed in lots of Styrofoam.

1 comment:

Cotton Hill said...

Hey Tommy, Nice article... But if Hussein Obama get's in I am going to quit my job and wait for a government paycheck... and party party party cause I am "Obama" rich!!! P.S. I love the website