Saturday, September 20, 2008

Links September 20

I had a bunch of homework to do and some job applications to fill out and turn in this weekend, so the links post appears today. With progressively busier weekends and the possibility will start a new job soon I may start to post the links on Monday, or some other day.


Books every Repub congressman should read

America's Great Depression - Rothbard

Freest Countries in the World

The 'sin' of affluence

The Economic Basics - Russ Roberts

Constitutional Ignorance Forfeits our rights

In Defense of the Speculators

Dull-Thumping Sound

Liberator Online

Which Firms can Fail?

Call of the Entrepreneur

Does America need Trade Surplus?

China is less Socialist then US

Quote of the Week

The Socialists believe in two things, which are absolutely different and perhaps even contradictory: organization and freedom.
- Elie Halevy

We didn't receive many votes for my name change, and at this point I am leaning towards St. Thomas Aquinas.

The new poll is a little more interesting, this week we ask which of the third part candidates do you prefer:

Each of the four is anti-war, and the first three have very libertarian views, Baldwin helped on Ron Paul's campaign and Bob Barr is running for the Libertarian Party.

Remember, you can always vote in our polls on the Home Page, which has been partially re-vamped this week.

Video of the Week

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