Saturday, September 27, 2008

Biden Buffoonery

TJ Madison

If you have read some of my recent articles, I make it clear that this is Barack Hussein Obama's election to lose.

My reasons are the state of the economy, the war in Iraq, and Obama's personality. I thought, whomever he picked to be Vice-President would be immaterial.

Well, I'm not ready to say that Obama is not going to win. However, Joe 'plugs' Biden is sure doing his best to prove me wrong. I originally thought Obama should not pick Hillary to be his VP, on the grounds that Hillary had taken the most 'shots' at Barack in the Democratic debates and on the campaign trail. Ammunition that McCain would have surely have used to his advantage during the last three months of the election.
The quote by Hillary that comes to mind first is always: "He (Obama) is not ready to be President."

Unfortunately, for Barack, she wasn't the only Democrat to say that in the primaries. When Joe Biden was asked if Barack Obama was ready to be President, he responded candidly: "Right now I don't believe he is. The Presidency is not something that lends itself to on the job training."

Well put Senator.

Did you forget this 'gem' from early in the campaign? A reporter asks: "Senator Biden, what do you think is the reason for Barack Obama's popularity with the Democrat voters?" Biden answers: "You've got the first 'main-stream', African-American who's articulate, bright and clean."

So I guess this writer is wondering:

Are the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton (along with their followers) going to 'pull the lever' for the Obama/Biden ticket, knowing Joe Biden is has just called them inarticulate, stupid and unclean? Along with every other African-American who has ever run for higher office.

Would a Republican Senator have a job if he said those words?

Moving on, what about Barack's feeling's about Biden? In a 2002 speech, then state-senator Barack Obama said the following about the Iraq war, "I'm not opposed to all wars, just dumb wars." Well, Barack, your 'dumb' VP pick supported that war (note: the Agents of Liberty do not support the current war in Iraq).

Speaking of dumb wars, Joe Biden Said in April 2007, "I would use American force in the Sudan now, It's a moral imperative to stop the bleeding".

So, a third war, started in an Islamic country in a span of six years. If you're an anti-war Democrat, how can you vote for this pick?

That 'dumb' Biden also said: "Paying more taxes is patriotic!" I realize that most Democrats probably believe that phrase, but I didn't think they would actually admit to it during a campaign.

It kind of makes you wonder, what else would Joe Biden consider 'patriotic'? Let's take a look at Joe Biden's dictionary...

Patriotic (pay-tree-ottik) adj/ 1. A believer in higher taxes/2. One with a lust for bigger government/3. Showing a love of political party over country.

Could you image a guy like Joe Biden, living in the later part of the 1700's, having a debate with someone like James Madison?

Madison: How do you feel about no taxation without representation?

Biden: I had no problem with the King of England's taxes. In fact, I believe it's patriotic to pay high taxes, with or without representation.

Madison: Gentleman, this moron has no concept of liberty, please escort Mr. Biden out of the convention and have him tarred and feathered in town square at noon.

Biden: Wait! Wait! I didn't get a chance to talk about the environmental damage the farmers are creating. And the endangered species we have to save. The evil businessmen...

I have no doubt that Madison and the Framers are spinning in their graves, just wondering why the American people could elect Representatives like Joe Biden. This utter buffoon, who has no concept of the real meaning of liberty, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

The American people may overlook Barack's gaffs, but add to it Bidens gaffs, and it makes John McCain look like a modern day George Washington.

My friends, that's a miracle!

TJ Madison is a Ron Paul Republican, living in Wisconsin. He works in the Health care industry, and does not want his job Federalized.

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